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seeds Habanero seed trouble?

how old are the seeds?

If you kept them too moist, it's possible that they could have just molded and died.
If the seeds were only two weeks old it could be that they were from immature pods. Did you save seeds from some pods you had?
I don't know the words in English, but maybe they are dormant seeds. To wake them up :
- 5 days in the dark with no humidity
- 3 days in the fridge
- 5 days in the dark again

You can also use chemicals containing gibberellin.
Give them time...


C. chinense sometimes take upwards of a month to germ. Keep them warm and moist and you might be surprised. One of my Bhut Jolokia seeds didn't germ until 6 weeks after I planted it. The rest had already germed though so it got munched. :flamethrower:
They were about 2 weeks old when I put them in the ground,don't know,yea,the temperature is just right,thanks
What would you call "just right" ?
I have best luck in my dome at 82 degrees and enough humidity that the clear lid is fogged. I have had success from 78 to about 88 but 82 seems to work best for me.
And yes, up to 3 weeks or more for a few stragglers every year. I always just toss the remaining pellets in the yard by the plants to decompose and noticed one growing out sideways a couple months later.
It ended up doing ok and produced pods.
"Just right" is different than ,measuring the temperature.

Your opinion is irrelevant, the thermometer has the answer.
I had pretty much 100% germination with my seeds this year.

I planted in smaller pots, made sure the soil was wet, put the seeds about 1/4 - 1/2 inch in the soild, covered the seeds , and then covered the pot with some seran wrap and held it in place with a runner band. Most took about 7-10 days to sprout but some took upwards of 3 weeks.

When I got to the point of wndering if i had bad seeds or not. I grabbed one of the pots and with a toothpick dug around until I found eaither the seed or the seedling. Covered back up and waited some more.
Yea,thath what I'm trying out now,but I soaked them in water fr a few hours and then planted them,put some plastic over it and now I'm waiting for my 2nd day