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HAIL @@!@%!!

Last night the wind blew super hard !! Then a hell of a hail storm !! It really jacked up my
peppers !!! It's sad .... I hope they recover.

My beds are between two sections of chain link fence. I think next year I'll try putting up
some green house material or something I can use to cover things up in a hurry.

Peace ,
P. Dreadie
Peppers need abuse! Abused plants give hotter peppers! (That's what I've been told anyway, and they do need to survive...;) )
dang man...I have so far (know on wood) escaped large hail this year...we have had several bouts of hail less than dime size...

I hope your plants are not messed up to badly...
AJ ,

I know you understand Texas hail ...... dang stuff !! We've got some before but it was pea sized. What we got
this time is still some what small , quarter sized stuff. Not the fist sized stuff like we got a few years ago , but
it still wreaked my dreams of this super pepper garden. I'm sure most will recover to a point. I'll lose a few it
looks like. As a first timer I hope I get some fruit for my efforts. I think the wind added to the damage , it was blowing !! Our wind here is always high here in 'Rillo , but when my logging chain on a pole is standing straight out the wind is blowing HARD !!!

I'm going to drink beer and listen to sad songs today and lick my wounds like an old dawg ...

Peace and I hope you don't any bad hail up there AJ .

P. Dreadie
thanks for the good wishes man...we are already going into our hot summer weather pattern here...super high system building in over us...not a cloud in the sky, a little wind but it is dry and hot, temps close to 100 for the seeable future...in about three weeks, I will be ready for some weather, even bad weather after a few weeks of sweltering hot...but you know what...I love the texas summers as long as I can keep my plants alive until september...

I had quarter sized hail last year and a pretty good bit of damage, but the plants bowed their necks and decided to produce tons in October...chin up my friend...they are tough to kill
Silver_Surfer said:
Pepper plants are tough, hail pisses em off and they'll come back bushier than ever. :)

Point in Fact:

First Pic: Hail ripped through my Ornamental windowsill pot (about 2 weeks ago):


With A splint a the stalks were broken and screwed.


And today :


Resiliant little buggers I tell you, you slap them, they slap you back
Sorry to hear of your poor luck P.D.!You do have well rooted plants by now tho,I'd try to tie the split stems back up and give them some support with poles and I'm thinking you'll be greatly surprised by the results!
Condolences on the wx for sure P. man.

Know what you're going through as we've done it twice so far this year. So far nothing much bigger than marble. Crazy wx this year.
Well ... A few plants died , a few still look questionable , but most are starting to grow and look much better.
The splint is a good idea but most got beat real bad. But it's looking like I might get peppers , unless ...
there's more hail to beat 'em up again !!

P. Dreadie