Buy a cheap Crest battery operated toothbrush.  Turn on the brush and use the backside to rub the areas around the flowers and nearby nodes.  It's a great way to promote pollination and works very well for only a few bucks.  That device is nothing more than a toothbrush with no bristles.  Tomato guys have been using the toothbrush trick for some time now, so no need to buy an expensive device.  A good shake and a breeze go along way too.
I always wanted an electric toothbrush and plastic spoon for 3 low payments of 19.99.

Index and middle finger tapped alternately on branches and stems works for me.
able eye said:
I always wanted an electric toothbrush and plastic spoon for 3 low payments of 19.99.
Index and middle finger tapped alternately on branches and stems works for me.
Ohhhhhh... Lighten up!! If nothing else, fer gawsh sakes, think of how many DPSEs (Drunken Posts/Sober Editings) and Warning Points are gonna git issued from one irresponsible quip like this!

@ Valleyman: On a serious note: Thank you. Any videos that give relevant info on how to pollinate will help me in my first attempts to selectively pollinate pepper flowers this summer.
Even though i won't be buying this gadget, the input is helpful.
I like that technique for harvesting pollen, but I'll stick with lightly tapping on plants as I water.
But seriously, I think I just saw that toothbrush for $5.99 at Fred Meyer. Maybe I'll give it a go.