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Hand pollination


Ok, so this may be a dumb question but im a little confused. I have been trying to find out about hand pollination and I have heard about shaking, paintbrush, and fans. Ok, got it. The question I have though is are you trying to get pollen from flower to flower, or just to shake the pollen into the flower itself? Thanks if anyone can help with this amateur question.
Each flower usually pollinates itself. Hand pollination is not needed with chiles if you have air circulation or shake/fan. Pollen is most mature in the afternoon. About noon until 3pm is said to be the best time for pollination
I believe it takes 1 grain of pollen to produce 1 seed

He is on the right track to what i mean. What I think I was trying to ask is do you need one pollen grain per flower or like a glob of pollen per flower to produce a fruit. But the 1 pollen 1 seed answer made me wonder if that means one fruit that produces a single seed inside, or more seeds depending on how much pollen is introduced?
i just use the tip of my finger, lightly touch one flower then move to another and go around the plant. i've read you can use a q-tip but i've never bothered to go back inside and get one. some peppers like my jalapenos and habs i don't even mess with and they get plenty of pods so i wouldn't worry about it too much, but i fyou have one lone pepper then i'd try the finger tip or q-tip deal. just be gentle
I mentioned that on another thread.

As long as they are not indoors, you don't need to worry about it.

if they are, then just shaking the plant a little, or even a fan, can be all the pollination you need.