• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Handsome Zack and His Growlog

Giving indoor a real try this year. Starting these in jiffy pucks, under a dome. After hooking, they're moved under the flouros until large enough for the hid. The nursery is a small fridge converted into a grow room, the hid setup is a 2x3x5 foot tent, 250 watt mh/hps.





Bhut Jolokia

All three sprouts are 36 hours old, roughly. There are 3 more bhuts and 4 red habs waiting to hook.

Any advice you guys feel like throwing my way is more than welcome. After trolling the last month or two, I know the I'm in good hands.

Bhuts are doing good, moving along slowly. My black jalapeno, scotch bonnet, poblano and hot Peter are under 100 w MH, and doing fine as well.

First pic, for varieties in the MH Tent

Scotch Bonnett


Hot Peter

Black Jalapeno



In the fridge are the Bhut Jolokia seedlings and a Cow Horn seedling



And the Cow Horn

I'm really happy how the Jalapeno turned out. I can imagine it'll be a pretty prolific producer this summer, one it goes outside.

The Hot Peter has been a bit of a surprise for me as well. Two weeks ago it was just a single stalk, and all its leaves were yellow and dropping. All the new healthy growth has been a blessing.

The Poblano is doing fine, but I wish I could get some more lateral growth out if it.

Scotch Bonnet is nice and healthy, but it's flowers keep dying on me before the have a chance to develop at all. They form, dry to a crisp, and fall off. Probably for the best at the moment, seeing as the plant is only a few inches tall.

Not much to report on the seedlings, Cow Horn looks great and grows fast. Bhuts are slower, and the leaves are tacoing a little bit. Any thoughts as to what causes that?

So that's that. Any advice or comments would be great. I'm still learning how these plants work.
Looks good! Remove the old leaves that have fallen into the pot. They may cause bad fungus/bacteria to form on your soil.
It's pushing 90 here today, so I put my bigger plants outside to get a little natural light. Gotta keep moving them around to keep them under shade, but I don't mind doing that every couple hours.

It's pushing 90 here today, so I put my bigger plants outside to get a little natural light. Gotta keep moving them around to keep them under shade, but I don't mind doing that every couple hours.
Repotted some plants today, had a couple habs sprou, and sat on the porch for a longtime drinking beer. Will post pics as soon as my camera charges.
Been crazy busy since my last post. Picked up some seedlings from a friend, and have brought most everything outside. I now have close to 30 plants, and a few varieties to choose from. The new list is as follows;

Black Jalapeno - 1
Jalapeno - 2
Scotch Bonnet - 1
Red Habnero - 4
Thai Dragon - 5
Orange Thai - 2
Mulato - 1
Hot Peter - 1
Cayenne - 4
Hungarian Wax - 4
Cow Horn - 2(one hydroponic)
King Of The North - 1
Garden Sunshine - 1
"Unknown" - 3
Bhut Jolokia - 1

Germinating - Bhut Jolokia, Butch T Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia "hybrid".

With the exception of 1 Thai Dragon, the hydro cow horn, and the three "unknowns" all the plants are outdoors in 3 or 5 gallon pots. The plants indoors are mostly for me to have something to tinker with at night when i'm awake until 3 AM. That being said, I obviously keep them on a different light schedule.

all the ooutdoor plants are in promix, but have only been for a week or so. They're pretty young, but look happy. The Black Jalapeno, Scoth Bonnet, Hot Peter and Muulato are older, and already producing, so right now, I have the freshest peppers in Vermont(or at least I like to think so).

Anyways, pics.....I didn't shoot all of the varieties, just the ones I like the most at the moment. I have all summer to photograph the others.

This is my Black Jalapeno. Started in November 2011 with the Mulato, Hot Peter and Scotch Bonnet. Growing these plants was a learning experience. I've seen them go from super healthy to almost dead, and bounce right back, so I'm really proud of these little troopers. They never stop surprising me.

As you can see, she is already in heavy production. She gave me two pods back in March, and then sort of crashed, and after I figured out what my problem was, and fixed it, she decided to show her appreciation.


Here is my Mulato. She is a leggy girl, but I love her. She has about a dozen flowers on at the moment.

My Hot Peter. I was certain I would lose this one about a hundred times. Just got sicker and sicker. Finally figured out my soil was way too dense, and everything was getting waterlogged. Now she's in a fluffy mix and loving it.

My Scotch Bonnet. I absolutely love this plant. When I come to check on it in the middle of the day, it's leaves are always pointed up at me, like it's saying hello to me.


This is my favorite Thai Dragon. My friend hooked me up with these, and she's been a big influence in my learning process, so I hope to do her good by these.

And finally, a shot of the majority of my family. There's a few other plants lurking elsewhere, plus my indoors projects. But you get the gist.

So that's my slice of paradise at the moment. We had a freak thunderstorm tonight, with hail and tornado warnings. I was at work and stressing out about it, when my wife called to tell me she had covered the plants in a makeshift tent. What a woman.
Plants are looking great! My mulato is also leggy as hell but its covered up in pods right now and with a little support for the limbs looks great. Best of luck with the rest of your grow!
Now for some of my indoors plants. I keep these under fluorescent or HPS, depending on what I need to give them.

This first is my indoor Thai Dragon. Just wanted to have one inside so I did it.

This is a seedling from what I've nicknamed "Casper" which I got as a seed from user shigshwa, he believes it to be a jalapeƱo/bhut jolokia hybrid.

Butch T Scorpion


Bhut Jolokia, I started this over the winter, and it nearly died. I noticed a little new growth so I am blasting it with flouro light to see what happens.


This is my hydroponic cowhorn. Doing nicely, considering it my first attempt.



Unknown Variety, seedling. It's pretty healthy. I like it, it looks happy.


Unknown sister, born on the same day, but spent the last week in a bubble bucket. So far I've only fed it tap water. Might add nutes after root zone increases.

ohh ok. I am thinking about trying my first germ next year and I am a plant illiterate so please excuse me if I ask a lot of ridiculous questions.. Thanks
So I think I may have killed the unknown in the coco, I checked it the other day and it was pretty dry and wilted, gave it a good soak, and bounced back, but I thin it got so dry it started to self cannibalize. I'm hoping it looks good when I get home tonight.