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Happy Summer!

Or in the case of those of us in the "right" climates, "Happy Garden Survival Season Start!"


Let the sizzle start! On that note, I am incredibly thankful for what has been an amazing grow year with mild temps and a lot of rain. I am optimistic that we might have an early cool front in early September this year so we only get 10 weeks of this crap. :)
Holy crap! And I was complaining about our 95 Farenheit.... 4 months in a row...and no rain??? Unbelievable! :hot: I cannot really imagine how I could survive that weather. I am staying like 12 hours in the office daily just because the building is air-conditioned...since we do not have any in our rented flat. :confused:
Anyways enough of bitching, I wish you a good growing season, and good luck with the weather!
The updside is, of course, that when it cools down in September or October, we'll still get fruit through November or December. :D

Honestly, the worst part last year was July/August, where it was sometimes still 95F at 10pm and still in the high 80s when you woke up in the morning. Can get a touch depressing after a few weeks.

But whatever, at least I'm not in Phoenix!!
I have been following the U.S weather last year since everybody on THP was talking about it. And yeah, the weather has two sides... Mine allow me to grow peppers from June-September, which is a good 4 months, but in October the frosts are killing all of my plants. All in all, I am not sure if I should feel sorry for you because the summer heat, or to be envy because of your long growing season. ;)
I have been following the U.S weather last year since everybody on THP was talking about it. And yeah, the weather has two sides... Mine allow me to grow peppers from June-September, which is a good 4 months, but in October the frosts are killing all of my plants. All in all, I am not sure if I should feel sorry for you because the summer heat, or to be envy because of your long growing season. ;)

lol. I hear ya. Depends on what time of year it is, I suppose. :)

This year is better for us. We've had what I would consider almost a full season before the heat has come in. Some years, the high temps start in April or May and inhibit fruit set to the point where you don't really get a good crop till the fall. Those years really suck. Otherwise, it's like we get two grow seasons IF we can keep our plants alive for the 10 hell weeks.

Potted plants are especially rough. Water every day. Sometimes twice a day.