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Happy with what plants I have But!

Here is a few pictures of the plants I have going right now but I have one or two that is a little slow that you can see from the pictres any tips on how to get my slow plants to come around a little faster? Any and all Help is appreciated




Not trying to be funny but all the plants facing the sun look wonderful, even the upside down pepper look great. Just give them a little time and you'll be rewarded. I always wondered why you can't grow a pepper plant in the top of those upside down containers? Now that would be cool.

A great idea but I think one would need a huge container or water it really frequently, as the container would soon be root bound!

But I agree - the plants look great, just give them some time.

You have good looking plants some plants are slow growers like C.Chinense or wild species just be patient & everything will work out for you just fine & mother nature will reward you with lot of fruits so you can enjoy eating it with pleasure my friend.