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harvesting Harvest

Second last Harvest

After a few frost warnings I finally decided to pick some peppers. Looks like the warnings were false thankfully.
I only picked the green ones off 3 plants that were in the ground. I still have 21 plants with some ripeing on them.
The 2 plates on the right of lemon drops were from one plant.:shocked:


You're welcome!

Those peppers are simply gorgeous - I can only imagine the taste and flavor! Hats off to you, Chillilover. Great job.

Do you want other people to show their harvest pics in your thread, or no? Just curious. Nothing could compare to yours - that's for sure.

Thanks for sharing with us.

: )
The Hollyberry Lady said:
You're welcome!

Those peppers are simply gorgeous - I can only imagine the taste and flavor! Hats off to you, Chillilover. Great job.

Do you want other people to show their harvest pics in your thread, or no? Just curious. Nothing could compare to yours - that's for sure.

Thanks for sharing with us.

: )

Ya, you can post pics of other harvests here. There are lots that far exceed this harvest on here but thanks for the kind words.:)
Well alrighty then...

I take my pictures before I harvest the fruits - never thought to snap shots of them after harvest like you did.

Anyway, here are some of my ornamental/edible peppers that I've been harvesting all summer long, and still enjoying...





I will show some more, but it's only letting me post 4 shots at a time...

: )
This variety, "Fire Cracker", is especially terrific because it grows great indoors in the winter and you can harvest fruits throughout the cold months too.


: )
Thank you!

Yes, I do love the ornamental beauty of hot peppers, but I am just as addicted to the heat as well! Long Red Cayenne is my all-time favorite for flavor and heat.

The Fire Cracker plant just above, although very ornamental, is one of the hottest peppers in the world, and packs a wallop let me tell you.

I freeze and give away my excess fruits - love to share with others.

Here are some more of my plants...





: )
The Hollyberry Lady said:

The Fire Cracker plant just above, although very ornamental, is one of the hottest peppers in the world, and packs a wallop let me tell you.

: )

It can't be one of the hottest....can it? Have you tried any chinenses? (Hab, Fatali, 7 pod, Bhut, Scorpion)
They're pretty darn hot, I'll say.

I grow Bhut Jolokia, so I am familiar with how hot some types can be, yes. My mom can't stand them, and always declines when I offer her them (Fire Cracker).

: o
Honestly there's just no way an annuum or frutescens is anywhere close to the heat of a bhut, or even a hab but it doesn't matter if you like the flavor. I've just never really found an ornamental that tastes good to me, but I'm quite picky about what annuums I like
Nice harvest chilelover!
Well, I certainly wasn't saying that Fire Cracker was close to a bhut in heat, but was just saying I know what hot is.

Fire Cracker is not really an ornamental, it's a super hot chili. I grow them all year round.

: )