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Having fun with my peppers

Found this jumping spider on my tabasco, he's having a stinkbug for lunch.


Made a little bit of power today. Yellow is bona ma jacques and red/orange one
is a Bhut/Orange Hab mix. I only make a little at a time. Tobasco's, chocolate habs,
and more bonda's go into dehydrator today.

Looks like good fun. That picture of the spider is sweet. I would love to see how you make your powders. They look yummy! :lol:

I already have a couple 7 pod reds you sent me starting. I will keep you posted on there progress! Thanks again Linda :dance:
Your welcome. All you need is a dehydrator and a coffee grinder. I bought my dehydrator online.
It's a bit of work because if you want a fine powder you have to take the seeds out. The tabasco's
I will be grinding whole.
Only makes a little bit of powder at a time he says. That's several ounces isn't it? That's quite a bit of powder. Very cool.

Pic of the jumper is cool. Very smart spiders--as spiders go.

You don't have to take the seeds out to make the powder real fine. The trick is to make sure everything is dry dry dry. Any moisture at all and it won't grind as fine.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest of your pods end up roper2008, best of luck to ya.
Thanks Patrick. I weight the bona ma jacques powder and it weighs an
ounce exactly. I forgot how little an ounce was.

The CPI bhuts are nice and large.
Take a blender and unscrew the base from the pitcher. Then screw a half pint mason jar full of dried pods on and out on the blender and walk away for 3-4 minutes. Just remember to invert and tap it down and let settle for a minute before opening to avoid spillage. My coffee grinder still smelled of peppers when I pitched it due to age and lack of use. It would send powder dust out where the smell of grinding coffee is supposed to come out and make you drool.