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Hawaii & the humble chilli

Just a theoretical question:

> Does anyone know if there is a prohibition on importing chilli seeds (and growing chilli plants from those seeds) in Hawaii?

If so, is there a list of prohibited chilli types?

I found this link and no sign of peppers:


Hopefully, I someone will confirm that I can keep the dream alive that one day I can move to the Big Island and open that super hot chilli farm. If not, I stop buying those lottery tickets!

Read through the link you posted.

Most restrictions are on plants.

From what I see, there are no restrictions on seeds for chile's of any origin.
Big Island...........Beans and Nuts.......and blue island flowers.......maybe you can make a go of it. I've seen thai and bird chili's at the farmers mkts. Which I've been growing in my garden the past number of years...