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Heat Burn?

Afternoon yall! So first time grower so I could be doing a million things wrong so please bare with me.

So Im growing some tobasco peppers and for the most part have been taking them in and out to avoid bugs etc. here lately Ive been leaving them out as I keep my house at like 67 at night.

The plants themselves get significant light during the day - Basically all day. Here lately the temps have been climbing over 90 and I fear that my plants leaves are burning because of it.

Ill attach some pics and look forward to any advice!


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Jimenezcs said:
The plants themselves get significant light during the day - Basically all day. Here lately the temps have been climbing over 90 and I fear that my plants leaves are burning because of it.
I'm not sure but other members are from south of The Mason-Dixon Line and recently discussed this @ Various Baccatums wilting in direct sun.
Imight be able to help with the pix posting sideways?

It is the stored EXIF Data that causes this.

Even if you don't have an iPhone (And this article talks about email orientation.), this is helpful, Why iPhone pictures flip when emailed, and how to fix it and LifeWire-How to Fix a Digital Photo Turned Sideways(Rotate pictures that display sideways online)

Our intrepid leader posted this helpful hint.
The Hot Pepper said:
If you edit the pic before uploading it will upload correctly. Editing it "saves" the orientation instead of using native, which would be the way you held the phone. Really it is uploading correctly, but other sites like FB have better software that read the orientation EXIF.
I'm not an expert but I have a Fatalii that I didn't hardened properly that looked a bit like this. I thought that because of the African origins of this cultivar, I could put it on the hottest and sunniest spot of my balcony. Big mistake lol.
@rick_bender, try to not put water in your pepper leafs. Also, peppers needs to be acclimated before going to full sun. Like putting them several hours a day outside only on a spot where there is shadow and sun etc. Once the plants are well acclimated you can put them outside without fearing.
Hey Jimenezcs.  A couple things.  First, no, that's not what sun/heat damage looks like.  There may be a little, but that's not the issue.  New growth will look better after sunburn, and that appears to be the opposite of what you're seeing.
I suggest checking carefully for pests, especially under the leaves and with a magnifying device if available to you.  Also, just as FYI, moving plants between inside and out is more likely to increase the risk/damage of bug infestation than reduce it.  Once they get on on the plants while outside, their time spent inside usually means better conditions for growth/reproduction and less exposure to predators and rain and such that will help control their numbers.
Thanks for the replies so far! Unfortunately one of my plants to a dive yesterday from a rabid terrier mix. Not literally rabid but might as well have been.

So one has since been pulled up. Other is still kicking! Ill take a look for bugs and thanks for all the info so far! Ill say that where I first had them, bugs werent a concern. Where Im at now has lots of trees and vegetation so much more of a concern here recently.

Thanks again!
rick_bender said:
I'm not an expert but I have a Fatalii that I didn't hardened properly that looked a bit like this. I thought that because of the African origins of this cultivar, I could put it on the hottest and sunniest spot of my balcony. Big mistake lol.
Quoting myself here because I wanted to have your advice with the fatalii I was talking yesterday. I was pretty sure this was sunburn but the plant has been removed from the direct sun for a few days and even the inside leaves are starting to look like this.
Could it be something else ? Fert burn ? (I put a handful of composted manure at the bottom of the pot)
ps: admins, I hope this is okay, I didn't wanted to make a double post about the same topic
edit: I also checked for bugs many times, this plant looks pest free

So just found what I believe to be red spider mites? So you may be totally right. The plant also now has some holes in the leaves.

Looked into pest guide here in forum. Will try the Neem stuff and see if that helps.

Im Such a Noob and ultimately just trying to let it do its thing but boy it makes it hard!
rick_bender said:
Quoting myself here because I wanted to have your advice with the fatalii I was talking yesterday. I was pretty sure this was sunburn but the plant has been removed from the direct sun for a few days and even the inside leaves are starting to look like this.
Could it be something else ? Fert burn ? (I put a handful of composted manure at the bottom of the pot)
This looks to me this looks like it's environmental and no big deal.  I'd agree with your assessment of a temporary sun/heat/transpiration issue.
Jimenezcs said:
So just found what I believe to be red spider mites? So you may be totally right. The plant also now has some holes in the leaves.

Looked into pest guide here in forum. Will try the Neem stuff and see if that helps.

Im Such a Noob and ultimately just trying to let it do its thing but boy it makes it hard!
Yikes. Hope you can cure them quickly.  Be sure to keep the plants out of the sun for the day after applying the Neem, as the combination can be hard on them.
Yep, toughest thing sometimes is to just leave them be to do their thing when they don't need help - but then how do you know when they actually do need help?  ;)
So used some soap cleaner to kill the current bugs. Rinsed off. Then sprayed the neem. Havent seen any spiders back but still do see the flying little bugs (thinking aphids)... next spray will be in week according to bottle...

In the pest guide it spoke about not letting neem run into soil. So I was careful to spray and not soak the soil. Read in other sites that it could be a benefit by adding into soil? Figured this board was probably correct though.

So now a follow up to all this. When should I be concerned that my plants arent growing tall, etc? Seems like theyve been pretty close to same size for some time. Lots of small leave growth but no actual height growth. Seen a couple videos talking about getting rid of small leaves etc. any thoughts?
Also adding In habanero plant pics. This was basically attacked by a terrier dog and partially dug up.

Looks to be coming back but doesnt look the greatest. Just wait it out and let it do its thing?


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The plant look much better to me and seem to be doing well with strong new growth on top.  I think you're well on the way.  As to Neem, I think there's confusion out there.  My understanding is that Neem cake is used as a treatment in the soil, but I'm not aware that Neem oil has any use in the soil, though I see posts around that people use it as a drench against fungus gnats and aphids and such.  I don't think you have to worry much about some of the Neem oil getting into the soil.  I wouldn't drench the soil with it myself, but I haven't read about people who've done so having ill-effects.