• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

review HEAT Hotsauce Shop*

Precious few things get this old sod excited anymore, these days.  
And, I gotta tell you, ladles and jelly-spoons, I am excited about HEAT hotsauce shop! 
About eight years ago, I started down the path of the hotsauce Idiot Savant.  
Hotsauce has always been my first love, the Siren's song of my capsaicin-afflicted palate.  
Hotsauce.com led me to the honey pot > THP is where the artisan sauce makers hang out > Okay, I can dance to this!   
So I stuck around for a while.  Love ya'll brothers and sisters! 
A month ago, we got crop-dusted by a wanna-be hot sauce maker.  His shenanigans brought forth to us the maker of a Hot Maple hot sauce.  This fine gentleman referred me to HEAT, where I could wander their virtual hot sauce aisles with impunity. 
Oh, they have "this"... and "that"!... and "that"?!  Who are these people? 
Why do they have such great hot sauce offerings?  I solemnly approve. 
Yes, I will buy twenty bottles of sauce, half of which are on my "to do" list.  Thank you, very much!  Sir, may I have another?!
Shipped quickly, neatly, securely, and two days door to door coast to coast.  Even threw in a freebie, cause they do this outta love, folks! 
HEAT.  My new hot sauce shop.  Dig It.  
*I have no personal conflicting interests in HEAT hotsauce shop.  Just a very satisfied and tickled-pink customer!*

Hey, thanks for the kind words! I am honored to have your solemn approval  :party:
Have you tried the Secret Aardvark I threw in there yet? Judging by your selections, I figured we may have similar taste, so I figured you might like that one  :P
My recent order from HEAT.  Apologies for the repost from another thread.
1x           Foo Foo Mama Choo Carolina Reaper Sauce with Ginger & Soy Sauce         9.85       9.85
1x           Rogue Trinidad Scorpion Sauce with Blood Oranges            8.75       8.75
1x           Humboldt Hot Sauce 3-Pack         18.95     18.95
1x           HotLime Green with Key Lime and Habanero          5.95       5.95
1x           Yin Yang Sweet & Smoky Habanero Hot Sauce       5.95       5.95
1x           Walkerswood Scotch Bonnet       4.95       4.95
1x           Tropical Tears Mango Ginger Habanero   6.85       6.85
1x           Palo Alto Firefighters Habanero Pepper Sauce       6.95       6.95
1x           Naga Jolokia Reserve Crushed Pepper Sauce          7.95       7.95
1x           Mr Blister Garlic Extreme               5.95       5.95
1x           Chicaoji Chile Sauce with Chipotles, Goji Berries, & Raw Cacao       8.95       8.95
1x           Carolina Reaper Mash     9.95       9.95
1x           Burn Baby Burn 4.95       4.95
1x           Balsamic Blackberry         6.85       6.85
2x           7o8 7 Pot Citrus                8.95       17.90
2x           Hotmaple Smokey Habanero        6.50       13.00
               Free Shipping (Orders over $70)   0.00
And the free Secret Aardvark, for which a review is soon forthcoming. 
My! How time flies.  Two months is "soon" here in the world of cross-country snail racing and pay-per-view paint drying.  Time for a few reviews!  (Ya know, I always wanted to make a template to offer up the robust JayT style reviews, but that never seems to happen.  Maybe I should call them "impressions" rather than "reviews".) 
Unfortunately, the massive collection of opened sauces cluttering up the ice box along with the prodigious formation of unopened soldiers awaiting deployment means that it is a rare treat to open a new hot sauce. 
On to the impressions...
Hotmaple Smokey Habanero
The one that started it all!  Without drama on THP dredging up the maker of this sauce, I would have continued on in my life unaware that there was a sauce out there as good as LDHS.  Yea,there, I said it. 
This sauce is lightly sweet and smokey, a bit of heat from the habs, but not too much.  Even the mortals loved it!  Chunky sauce with a good pour.  Amazing flavors, perfectly balanced.  Give me a straw and a napkin! 
This stuff is flat-out off the chain, drooling on my slippers, empty-the-bottle-at-a-sitting GOOD!  This one doesn't count against the fridge squatters, as it wasn't around long enough to take up any space.  I could seriously eat this stuff with a spoon all day long.  I think most of it was just poured onto corn chips and snarfed down standing in the kitchen.  Could not put it down.  This sauce has been added to my Pantheon of must-have-by-the-case hot sauces.  Truly remarkable. 
Flavor 10/10; Heat 2/10. 
Secret Aardvark
Shape shifter, this one.  Turns out the secret is more of a profound mystical truth.  Took me a whole bottle to make some sense of this delicious sauce.  Preface to say that I am not generally seeking out tomato-based hotsauces, just not my trip.  But, this stuff is good! 
Secret Aardvark has the amazing ability to change it presentation on the pallete depending upon the serving temperature and the food it is paired with.  At first, this tomato-based sauce struck me as "the best taco sauce" I'd ever had.  It was also a nice compliment to jamaican curry dishes.  But, the real "aha moment" was when I paired this sauce with fresh tomatoes!  With bruchetta and Caprese salad this hotsauce really shines.  Once I discovered this, I finished the bottle off in a couple of days on a spicy Caprese bender!  Definitely on the reorder list, this one is curiouser and curiouser.  Flavor 8/10; Heat 4/10. 