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How to get more heat to hydrofarm grow system with heat mat.I am trying to add more heat to get to the fight temperture 80- 85 degrees.
put it in a warmer room.. or put it in a box that is insulated or something similar, I have my seedlings in a insulated shelf.. also can put some lights on to help warm it up.. (and assuming you mean the germination station not the jump start system) but generally you need to put it in something that is insulated if your room temps are too low to keep it in the open.. also putting it in front of a window will work too for daytime temps.. just make sure you have a thermostat connected to the heat mat or else you will probably end up frying the seeds or it will just be too warm..

just a few small things that can help, but usually with the dome they heat up pretty fast.. also putting a blanket below the heat mat will help, and if that isn't enough, some tinfoil below the blanket (just don't put the tinfoil right up against the heat mat, they are not designed to work that way and can over heat.. not sure about a seed heat mat but I know at least the reptile ones that i have are not suppose to be covered up with something like tinfoil.. they need to release the heat somewhere.. your just trying to direct more of it "up" and not down through whatever you have the heat mat on.
Placing an insulating material under the mat like Maxsack331 said. I currently have a foam poster board underneath. It essentially reduces heat loss from contact with the surface the mat is on. Don't place it on top!