• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

HeatAddicts' "From The Northwest" Thread



Recently while I was on vacation in WA, Jerret and I got together to kick start a new review series focusing on hot sauces and spicy products from the NW region. Above is Episode 1, and as more videos are uploaded in the coming weeks and months, they will also be posted in this thread. Now since Jerret lives in the NW, this will be his thing. I'm just glad I was able to be a part of the very first review in the series.

If you have any sauces or brands from the Northwest that need to be reviewed, please post your suggestions here. Any and all input is much appreciated. :dance:
Glad to see you put it on food. I'm in southern Oregon, so I'll see if there is anything local.

Off topic: Ales, like what you were drinking, should be poured into a pint glass. Try it once and you'll know why.
rest assured we have that one on our radar ;)

I have that bottle of their hot sauce you gave me sitting on the shelf just waiting to get reviewed. Just give me the word, Jerret. You already know that I would love to participate in this series some more. :dance:

Glad to see you put it on food. I'm in southern Oregon, so I'll see if there is anything local.

Off topic: Ales, like what you were drinking, should be poured into a pint glass. Try it once and you'll know why.

Doing reviews with food was suggested to us when we first started making these videos, and we've stuck with it ever since. It only makes for better quality reviews, IMO.

About the beer, I definitely agree that they are more aromatic and flavorful when poured in a glass. I think I was just too jet-lagged and sleep deprived at the time we filmed this to really care though. :P
Doing reviews with food was suggested to us when we first started making these videos, and we've stuck with it ever since. It only makes for better quality reviews, IMO.


I feel like reviewing a condiment on a spoon is really limited because by their very nature they're designed to compliment foods. I don't think anyone goes into the hot sauce business to make a product for people to eat on spoons.

In my opinion that's really what sets the heataddicts crew apart from the other youtube reviews I've seen others do - a "practical application" of the product, and the way you guys give two separate ratings of sauce by itself and sauce on food. It's a great value add to the review and as a guy who buys a lot of hot sauce on-line I can attest that it gives me more confidence to buy a hot sauce if I've seen someone actually use it as intended.
I feel like reviewing a condiment on a spoon is really limited because by their very nature they're designed to compliment foods. I don't think anyone goes into the hot sauce business to make a product for people to eat on spoons.

True that. As good as some sauces might be in a spoon -- and I've been wowed by several of the ones I've tried so far -- they almost always taste even better when added to food. Failing to include that in our reviews doesn't do the products justice, IMO.

Trying a spoonful is a good way of getting familiar with the flavor of a sauce though, along with the heat level. It only helps when the product is added to food. I don't really think you can do one without the other, to be honest.

In my opinion that's really what sets the heataddicts crew apart from the other youtube reviews I've seen others do - a "practical application" of the product, and the way you guys give two separate ratings of sauce by itself and sauce on food. It's a great value add to the review and as a guy who buys a lot of hot sauce on-line I can attest that it gives me more confidence to buy a hot sauce if I've seen someone actually use it as intended.

Just remember that it is all your fault that we now include food in our reviews, close ups, etc. You made the suggestions after some of our earlier reviews, and we've been running with it ever since.
I agree with the use of food. So many people try mine on a chip or spoon or cracker and go wow that is hot and I have to remind them that on food the heat will be diluted some by the very food you use it on.
Just remember that it is all your fault that we now include food in our reviews, close ups, etc. You made the suggestions after some of our earlier reviews, and we've been running with it ever since.

I'm glad to have been of help - I never want to tell someone how to do their thing, and as I said to Jerret once, "you coulda told me to piss off" - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy so see y'all start doing it. I've now purchased like 4 products in the last 3 months based solely on you or Jerret's reviews. Knowing how the sauces interact with foods is crucial to me as a potential customer.

But then, so is this dancing pepper: :dance:


I agree with the use of food. So many people try mine on a chip or spoon or cracker and go wow that is hot and I have to remind them that on food the heat will be diluted some by the very food you use it on.

totally - at the farmer's market I have both tortilla chips and spoons, and offer tastings on either, but I recommend folks try both. and I still tell folks it's different on real food.
I'm glad to have been of help - I never want to tell someone how to do their thing, and as I said to Jerret once, "you coulda told me to piss off" - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy so see y'all start doing it. I've now purchased like 4 products in the last 3 months based solely on you or Jerret's reviews. Knowing how the sauces interact with foods is crucial to me as a potential customer.

But then, so is this dancing pepper: :dance:


:dance: :dance: :dance:

I didn't even take it as you telling us how to do our reviews. We were looking for ways to improve our videos, and you quickly chimed in with some very practical suggestions. Aside from some initial confusion while figuring out how to implement these improvements, we've adapted to the changes in the time since. Now that we're used to doing it for each review, it only adds a few minutes for photos/filming, and a few more minutes during editing. That's a small price to pay in order to have more well rounded reviews, IMHO.

Also, good to know that some of our reviews have sold you on sauces we've tried. I've heard the same from a few of the other people who watch our videos, which tells me that we must be doing something right. But no matter what, there will always be room for improvement. ;)
Off topic: Ales, like what you were drinking, should be poured into a pint glass. Try it once and you'll know why.
Agreed, but with a house full of people i really didnt want to have the extra glasses to wash. John and Julia had just flown in from Buffalo and everyone i knew seemed to want to stop by. I think we had 10-12 people there at one point. And yes I have tried pouring ale into a glass. Ive been brewing beer for 12 years. not my first rodeo

Episode 02, featuring NW Elixirs' Verde Hott #2, is now posted on YouTube.

Now that Jerret has filmed this one, Julia and I will be filming our review for Texas Creek's Garlic & Smoked Habanero Hot Sauce. That will be Ep.03. :dance: