Hello all!

New pepper enthusiast here. I had recently gotten my hands on a copy of "Peppers of the Americas" and learned that a distinctive flavor which I LOVE in hot sauces seem to be a family characteristic of the C. chinense family--Scotch Bonnet, Habanero, etc. I'm not really sure what to call this flavor--it's kind of a musky, smoky, slightly sweet aroma. I used to think it was just something about how these sauces were made, but now I understand that it's the peppers themselves that supply the taste.
Anyway, now I'm obsessed with finding peppers that have this delicious aroma and learning more about the Capsicum family in general.
I'd really like to grow some peppers which are strong in this flavor next year and make some sauces out of them. Does anyone have tips for cultivars that would be promising for this? (I will cross-post in the pepper growing forum too).