Hello everyone. New here but not so new. Been growing peppers for nearly 30 years but only just started getting into varieties besides the basics the big box stores sell and ones I've traded with neighbors. This will be my 3rd season growing in San Antonio, and my my what a difference it is here compared to South Florida which was home for a long time. In 2023 I went nutso with my little space and grew around 50 different varieties which was a handfull, but helped me narrow down to what I actually want to grow. 2024 was a wash; the neighbor and I were fighting aphids, white flies, beetles, and spider mites all year and I had some of the worst harvests of my life. This year I hope turns out different. Already have the biggest garden in the trailer park but goals this year are to almost entierly cut out buying produce from the market. Very limited on space but expanding out this year to possibly have 50-80 5, 15, 25, and 50 gallon bags going. Used to grow in buckets but Karens be Karens and someone complained about a bunch of buckets looking ugly.
For Chilis this year, unless I missed a few, the following are already in starter trays.
Aji Charapita
Craig's Grande Jalapeno
Orange Habanaro
K.S. Lemon Starrburst
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Sweet Moruga
Thai Burapa
Little Dragon Thai
Black Thai
Red Savinas (Possibly some other red hab, have been growing this for a long time)
Aji Oro Rocoto
Pimenta De Neyde
Giant Aconcagua
Sugar Rush Peach, for a friend
Cubanells if my plant from last year survived our recent freeze, and Hungarian Wax Peppers A co-worker gave me seeds for yesterday to grow for him.
This will also be the first year I don't top my plants. See what difference that makes by years end. My topped habs, trinidads, and thai burapa made it 5+ft tall last year including the 15" or so from the bag height.
For Chilis this year, unless I missed a few, the following are already in starter trays.
Aji Charapita
Craig's Grande Jalapeno
Orange Habanaro
K.S. Lemon Starrburst
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Sweet Moruga
Thai Burapa
Little Dragon Thai
Black Thai
Red Savinas (Possibly some other red hab, have been growing this for a long time)
Aji Oro Rocoto
Pimenta De Neyde
Giant Aconcagua
Sugar Rush Peach, for a friend
Cubanells if my plant from last year survived our recent freeze, and Hungarian Wax Peppers A co-worker gave me seeds for yesterday to grow for him.
This will also be the first year I don't top my plants. See what difference that makes by years end. My topped habs, trinidads, and thai burapa made it 5+ft tall last year including the 15" or so from the bag height.
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