Hello from Finland!

Greetings from the land of snow and ice! 
Winters here in Finland are long - usually four or five months of snow and freezing temperatures, dark - at worst, only 5 hours of sunlight in December and cold - temperatures can go down to -35 degrees Celsius / -31 degrees Fahrenheit. So, a bit of warmth is needed during winter and Capsaicin is way to go during winter and growing peppers brightens up my life during the long winter. I've been growing peppers since 2003 and lot of stuff has happened during the years. I could start a grow log if anyone is interested? ;)
I usually start my season in january and most of the seedlings are pre-grown in hydroponics.  I'm using led grow lights and fluorescent tubes for providing the light for seedlings. This year i'm using coco coir with all of my peppers and it seems to be working quite well.
Here is a link to my Picasa account with some pictures from current season: https://picasaweb.google.com/111960391787927669480/Capsicum2013?authuser=0&feat=directlink
My grow list for season 2013:
Aji Angelo (Capsicum baccatum) 
Aji Chinchi Amarillo (Capsicum baccatum)
Aji Cristal (Capsicum baccatum)
Aji Limo Rojo (Capsicum chinense) 
Belize Sweet (Capsicum chinense)
Biquinho (Capsicum chinense) 
Cajamarca (Capsicum chinense)
Campane (Capsicum chinense)
CAP 214 (Capsicum baccatum var. baccatum)
Capsicum galapagoense 
Capsicum flexuosum
Capsicum lanceolatum
Capsicum rhomboideum
Charapita (Capsicum chinense)
CGN-23258 (Capsicum chinense) 
Cili Goronong Yellow (Capsicum chinense)
Criolla Sella (Capsicum baccatum)
El Incendio (Capsicum annuum x frutescens)
Fluorescent Purple (Capsicum annuum)
Goat's Weed (Capsicum annuum) 
Hot Tree Pepper (Capsicum baccatum)
Inca Red Drop (Capsicum baccatum)
Jamaican Hot Chocolate (Capsicum chinense)
Jigsaw (Capsicum annuum)
Lemon Drop (Capsicum baccatum)
Lemon Drop x PI-441551 F4 (Capsicum baccatum x baccatum)
Naga Morich (Capsicum chinense)
Omnicolor (Capsicum baccatum) 
PI-593618 (Capsicum pubescens)
PI-315027 #1 (Capsicum chinense)
Puta Madre (Capsicum frutescens) 
Rainforest (Capsicum baccatum)
Rocoto Riesen (Capsicum pubescens)
Royal Black (Capsicum annuum)
ScorNaga F3 (Capsicum chinense x chinense) 
Scotch Bonnet Jamaican (Capsicum chinense)
Starfish (Capsicum baccatum)
Starfish x Hot Tree Pepper F2 (Capsicum baccatum x baccatum)
Sudden Death Habanero (Capsicum chinense) 
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (Capsicum chinense) 
Ulupica Large (Capsicum cardenasii var. pendulum / Capsicum cardenasii var. pendulum x Capsicum pubescens?)
Vietnamese Tear Jerker (Capsicum frutescens)
- Riku
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo: