pests Hello from Perth & Please Help ID my Bugs..

Hey Guys,
First time/season grower and poster from Perth, how ya all doing  :P
Got my superhots seeds from the The Hippy Seed Company quite a few months ago and having lots of fun and stress bringing up my little chilli babies. I started with 18 varieties from Hippy Seed but lots didn't make it probably due mostly to my inexperience. It's very exciting to see the the survivors grow into each new phase. I'm currently growing:
Trinidad Scorpion | Yellow Jelly Bean | Yellow Bhut | Chocolate Bhut | Numex Twilight | Japanese Lantern | Bhut Jolokia | Medusa | Razzmatazz (from Bunnings) and my big beautiful St Martin Habanero, Bob. 
I'm very proud of my children but first I'll post my bugs which I'm pretty sure are aphids but just wanted confirmation. I noticed them a couple of months ago but they didn't seem to be doing any damage and there weren't that many. Now there are a lot more and different varieties so tonight I've sprayed lightly with Eco-oil. All live on the underside of the leaves. Some plants have none and some are quite crowded. The dead white ones are cast-off skins I think?

I've read the sticky pests post and your treatments, just wanted to make sure I'm treating the right pests. I'll post pics of my plants soon.
Cheers for the help and thanks for such an awesomely helpful site.
Paul, Perth, Australia.
Aphids.  They will make the plants leaves deform, and new growth struggles.
They are a pain in the ass.  I tried a few organic options and some other milder pest control sprays from Bunnings, but they were not very effective.
In the end, I used Confidor spray to get rid of them and that worked well.
Insecticidal soap will keep them under control, but it will be very difficult to eliminate them completely.
Make sure you spray the underside of the leaves.  
You can have a few aphids on top of the leaf and a couple dozen on the underside.
Are you planning on moving them outside? If so predators will take care of them, unless there are ants nearby, damn ants...
Thanks for the replies guys, and the welcomes!
All the plants already live outside, they've been out most of this excellent summer. Some of them are still quite little so i hesitate to blast them all with the hose but the bigger guys could probably handle it. They all seem to attract a fair few regular flies but it could be the seasol that brings them around. I get a few hoverflies but not obviously not enough to deal with the aphids! I've asked my girl to grab me a Box O Wasps on the way home tonight. This is my Habanero, Bob..

One of his red pods was suspiciously light and inside I found this guy, little bugger! Again, very magnified - he was about 1cm in length.

How do I stop them?
Thanks again :) Paul.