Hello World!

Hello everyone! I'm Sebastian, I live in the United States (East Coast) and I'm a first time grower. Picked up a ghost pepper plant from the local nursery a couple of days ago (fingers crossed) and I think I'm already hooked!

Here for any help and advice I can get from the experts. Pleased to meet y'all!

Timothy the ghost pepper sapling

(His name is Timothy btw)
Thanks for sharing
Looks like a good start.
Will you be topping your ghost pepper?
One of my first peppers I grew was a ghost..and it got huge about 5 feet tall and good yield.
Hope you have good success on your grow.
Keep us posted by starting a new topic and we'll be there to help you along the way.

Good Luck 👍
Thanks for sharing
Looks like a good start.
Will you be topping your ghost pepper?
One of my first peppers I grew was a ghost..and it got huge about 5 feet tall and good yield.
Hope you have good success on your grow.
Keep us posted by starting a new topic and we'll be there to help you along the way.

Good Luck 👍
Hey sorry for responding so late, this is my first time so I'm not so sure whether to top or not or when and how to prune. He doesn't seem like he's going to get that tall so I don't think I'll need to top him.

Thanks for the advice on starting a new topic, I'm going to be posting an update now actually as I have a few questions