• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


Hello. This is my first time growing and my first time posting on a forum! Very excited. I'm growing a ghost and would like any tip or advice I can get. I bought my plant when it was around 2 inches and went off of what I could learn from the intranets but really want this to grow healthy! I live in south texas so the humidity is up there. I keep it in the shade right now since its 98 degrees outside with the sun beaming. I use miracle grow raised bed soil in the pot and miracle grow plant food. Some leaves look really healthy but some leaves look damaged. Thanks for any help! I really appreciate it.


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Ooopps, over aggressive welcome! I mistakenly thought this was your intro post. The plant looks pretty good, watch the new growth as old leaves will never repair themselves.
Bigmikentx86 said:
Hello. This is my first time growing and my first time posting on a forum! Very excited. I'm growing a ghost and would like any tip or advice I can get. I bought my plant when it was around 2 inches and went off of what I could learn from the intranets but really want this to grow healthy! I live in south texas so the humidity is up there. I keep it in the shade right now since its 98 degrees outside with the sun beaming. I use miracle grow raised bed soil in the pot and miracle grow plant food. Some leaves look really healthy but some leaves look damaged. Thanks for any help! I really appreciate it.
While I can't help with your plant issues (They look pretty good to me! Continued success with your current growing methods.) I'll give your sideways pix a shot.......

It is the stored EXIF Data that causes this.

Even if you don't have an iPhone (And this article talks about email orientation.), this is helpful, Why iPhone pictures flip when emailed, and how to fix it and LifeWire-How to Fix a Digital Photo Turned Sideways(Rotate pictures that display sideways online)

Our intrepid leader posted this helpful hint.
The Hot Pepper said:
If you edit the pic before uploading it will upload correctly. Editing it "saves" the orientation instead of using native, which would be the way you held the phone. Really it is uploading correctly, but other sites like FB have better software that read the orientation EXIF.