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Help finalizing...

Trying to keep pepper production somewhat manageable this year and these are the finalists. Love to have your input as to whether some of these seem redundant and if there are other varieties that I "must have" to round out the selection. I grew mostly super-hots last year and have enough left over to last a ridiculously long time. I'm the only one who eats them. So, thoughts, please?

Albanian Red Hot
Farmer's Market Jalapeno
Habanero Lightning Mix
Kil Biber (Hair)
Pequin OP
Sonoran Chiltepin
Unknown Annuum Cross
Urfa Bieber
Vezena Piperka
Yalova Charleston

Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Pineapple
Brazilian Starfish
Rain Forest

Bahamian Goat ISO
Bonda Ma Jacques
Cheiro Roxa
Jam Hot Chocolate
Jam S.B. (MoA) Red
Jam S.B. (MoA) Yellow
Kraken F3
Naga Morich
Peach Bhut
7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pod Jonah X PDN
7 Pod Primo

Other seeds I have that could move to final grow list:

Antillais Carribbean Habanero
HP22B Selected
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet TFM
Burkina Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Craig's Double Hot
Trinidad Douglah
Chocolate Bhut
Trinidad Scorp Butch T
Brown Bhutlah SLP
CGN22792 Capsicum frutescen
CGN19198 Capsicum Eximium
True Cumari Cumari Pollux
Most Prolific Capsicum Chacoense
Bhut Jolokia Red

Thanks to some awesome THP members for their great service, generous trades, and sharing: cmpman1974, coachspencerxc, Hottoddy, KiNGDeNNiZ, PepperLover, Semillas La Palma, SmileyGuy697, and Transient Exuberance. Hope I remembered everyone.

Bhut Orange Copenhagen
moruga welder said:
aleppo , and fatalii , and peach bhut since your not going for to much super hot  . but definitely hard to decifer !  good luck on your grow , with what ever you go with !    :onfire:
Thanks, MW. Don't get me wrong, I want "some" heat. In fact, I just moved 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow onto the grow list. Also decided to get some Reaper seeds from Judy 'cause I'll miss fresh Reapers. Trying to hold off on some others but would jump on some BOCs and SB7Js. So, if anyone has them, I'll trade or buy. Then I'm done...right?! Maybe.
I haven't. Mainly since I don't know anything about Jay's Peach Ghost / scorp. Will give 'em a look, probably fall in love, and then wonder why I'm growing too many peppers again. Happens with tomatoes too...but this year I'm cutting down...really. I am. Really.