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Help getting pods to set

My overwinter chocolate bhutlah looks great with tons of flowers but only has 2 pods under the canopy. We had a few days of 100+ and it's pretty dry in NorCal (east Bay Area) but the last week has been mid-80s. It's been planted out since I think early to mid-June.

It gets Neptune's Fish and Seaweed (2-3-1) every other week and CalMag in between. I added bone meal to the soil (Fox Farms Ocean Forest) before planting.

I shake the plant daily and there is generally a light breeze here. I've even tried hand pollinating with both wet and dry Q-tips. I've recently been misting it at night with water to try to increase humidity a bit.

It wasn't terribly productive last year but it got a late start and some rookie over-fertilizing stunted it.

Is there anything else I can do to help pods set? Is there anything I am doing that I shouldn't be? Pics below:

By the way, the orange in the second picture is a Home Depot spray bottle behind the plant, not pods in it.

Thanks in advance for any tips!