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seeds Help! I think I mixed up my seeds!

Hi guys/gals.

This is my first post here, but I have been reading as much as I can here since summer started. This is a great place, and some of you have amazing gardens. I have only recently began to expand my gardening to include some of the more (what I would consider) exotic peppers. I love heat, and I would much rather add it via a pepper in cooking, than a condiment (hot sauce).

A few months ago I sprouted some Bhut Jolokia and some Jamaican Scotch Bonnet seeds to grow indoors this winter. The first of the plants have small (unopened) flowers. The thing is, the ones I have labeled as Bhut Jolokias have 4-5 flowers at the first flowering node. The other plants (labeled as scotch bonnets) are just showing the first tiny buds, but it appears to be two per node.

Is it possible that I have mixed up my seeds? It is my understanding that the Bhut's will produce two flowers at each node, but I have no idea about the scotch bonnet. Can anyone provide some insight? I know I will be able to tell in time, but I would rather know now.

Based on my experience (others may differ), I think you may have cross labeled your seed. The Bhut, Bih and Dorset I've grown only put out two pods per node. It could still be a Scotch Bonnet but i'm thinking odds in favor of Bhut. Like you said, you'll know in time.

I had a suspicion in the beginning when I was sprouting them that I switched the labels around by mistake. I was not 100% sure, so I figured I would wait. Now that I see flower pods, I think my suspicions have been correct. The only thing I was unable to find is if the Scotch Bonnets produce more than 2 pods per node.
Sorry, I didn't grow Scotch this year. Besides, I suffer from KRAFT... kan't remember a friggin thing. Grew them last year but don't remember the pod formation at the nodes.

I'm sure someone else will chime in.

I wouldn't count on the flowers answering your question because alot of things can affect this. My bhut has produced from 1 to 8 flowers per node and my scotch bonnets anywhere from 2 to 11 flowers per node. Best to wait and see what the actual peppers look like to get a correct answer.
Thanks for the input fellas. ottawapepper, I think your "KRAFT" affliction is what happened to me when I was labeling the seedling container. I kept the two separated, but then I couldn't remember which ones were which. I will keep an eye on them. It should add a bit more excitement to the day when pepper pods start to take shape.
My Dorset had way more than two flowers per node. Would have been great if most of them didn't drop!!
Don't think you've got it figured out yet anderson1295. I've got a couple of Bhut's that have more than two flowers per node.
My bhuts always have more than 2 flowers per node but my scotch bonnets usually have only 1 or 2. Personally I thought 6 flowers per node was usually the maximum.

Here's some info on bhut trials
"While the Assamese growers (Bih Jolokia) as well as the Chile Pepper Institute (Bhut Jolokia) report two flowers per node for their respective plants, we found clusters of up to five on the Naga Morich test plants we grew in our Pepperworld greenhouse from original "Chileman" seeds, as well as on Bhut Jolokia plants (grown from CPI seed). "
Thanks for the info POTAWIE, my information came from CPI (two flowers per node on the Bhuts they grew). They are long overdue for a transplant. I was going to pinch these flowers so they can get a bit bigger before I let them set fruit, but I want to see (and taste) them! Maybe I will leave one plant each to grow a couple peppers and pinch the others...