Help Identify Issue with Habanero Leaves


Hello, I am growing a few Habanero plants in containers and lately I have started to notice these spots occurring on a few of the Habanero plants, but not of my other pepper plants of different varieties. I am not sure if it is just coincidence, but could the dawn dish soap spray to kill spider mites cause this? It seemed like it happened around the same time. There were a couple days of rain too so maybe they got watered too much? I am stumped. I can take other pictures of the whole plants if necessary, but its virtually the same. Also, it is not on all leaves but I think it may be starting to.
I haven't fertilized in a while due to the rain, so I was giving them some time to dry out. Next on my feeding schedule was using some epsom salt dissolved in water. The last time i used fertilizer was a couple weeks ago. It was water soluble and I believe it was 18-18-21. That was a long time ago so I don't think that caused it, since it started happening about a week ago give or take.
When I sprayed the dawn with water, it was when the sun was already down, so they were in shade for sure. But I guess that it could still affect it? Just strange that all my plants weren't like it, but if you say they are okay then I will take your word for it. 
Also, I just remembered I had staked with thick sticks as a fast solution (i forgot) for when the wind started to pick up, I paniced lol. Not sure if this may have done it. Thanks.