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Help identifying pepper

This is my first year growing Ghost and Red Savina. I have what I believed to be 3 Ghost started from seeds that I pulled from fresh peppers. I planted them in a row. However 1 of them is different, I'm wondering if I got a Red Savina plant mixed up with a Ghost but I'm not entirely sure. I thought Red Savina were smooth and waxy like a normal Habanero. These peppers are very rough textured like a Ghost but the shape and size of a Habanero. They are very short, like maybe 1" to 1.5" long. Ghost should be 2+ inches correct? I was hoping you guys could help me ID these peppers. I tried eating one. It was very immature and the flavor was absent but it was incredibly hot. What do you think? Are they Red Savina or did I manage to grow a hybrid of sorts or are my Ghosts midgets? The first picture is of my Ghosts. The other shots are of the mystery peppers. I appreciate any help.


Mystery peppers


The first picture looks like bhuts, but the other pix look like it could possibly be a habanero x bhut cross. I dunno, just a guess...
+1 on the hybrid. Almost looks bonnett'ish. Hard to tell until they fully ripen.
First one, if that short, might be a Naga. Looks REALLY similar to a Bhut, just the midget version. Some say hotter, as well.
Ok well I wanted to update you guys on the mystery pepper. It is most definitely a hybrid, I'd say. One ripened up and I tried it out. The skin had spines on it like Bhut's and was soft thin walls. Very very aromatic and sweet flavor. The heat was intense. I eat a habanero everyday with my lunch and this little pepper made my habanero seem like a jalapeno. I don't cut my peppers up to taste them, I pop the whole thing in my mouth and start chewing. I probably should have sampled this pepper first lol. When I first bit through it, the flavor was excellent. Very sweet and fruity. Within about 15 seconds the heat started coming on in the back of my throat and escalated to the point where it was on the verge of unbearable after about 30 seconds. It was so intense it scared me. After the pain in the back of my throat started to subsided my tongue and roof of my mouth were in even more intense pain. The roof of my mouth actually became slightly swollen afterwords. The whole ordeal lasted almost 20 minutes. I have never eaten a whole Bhut (yet) so I can't compare it to this, but it was easily 2-3x hotter than my orange habanero's. I wasn't disappointed at all.


Yea that definitely has Habanero qualities as far as the pepper and the leaves go. The earlier pictures look like it had light green and dark green peppers on it. Sure looks like one hot little bugger.