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Well I had crosses from Jimmy Nardello,s and Cayennes last year and have seeds from them. Let me know if you want some to grow out.

Now another one is finally ready to think about.

First off the leaves from the mystery plant look Hab-ish to me

Here is one of my true Hab plant leaves

Here is the Jimmy Nardello(Nard) leaves

Now it has leaves like a Hab but the pod looks somewhat like a Nard without the wrinkles under the shoulder.


And for comparison here is a young Nard

And now it is almost ripe.


I have tried a pod or 2 ok maybe 4 that were still green and they all have a heat that reminds me of Caribbean Red Habaneros which were in my garden last year.

If you have any insight I would appreciate it.
The leaves actually look a lot like the leaves on my cayenne. The green pod has a similarity to my cayenne, too, but my cayenne pods are a LOT longer (8-10 inches.) However, the orange pod looks absolutely nothing like my cayenne, and actually nothing like the green pod, either. Those really came off the same plant?

Edit - And I guess I'm wondering why you are dubbing it a mystery - did mystery seeds come with a seed order, or you just think this is a cross between two of your other plants?
That one ended up splitting really bad and was half eaten before I could get a picture. oops. More are turning under my now covered garden so I will snap a pic of the next one. Very nice strong heat.

Geeme if you want one to try PM me a mailing address and I will ship you one when it is almost fully ripe so it should be perfect when you get it.