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help me identify? please?

I have no clue what this is. At first, i though it was yellow/orange congo that had set a funny lookin pod, but I have two trees giving me the same shape pod now.



any ideas?

Edit: please excuse my noob-ishness. If there is a database or something where i can search for this type of stuff on my own, please let me know!
yeh decent heat, nothing outrageous, id say its on the same heat level as a scotch bonnet but the shape is just so odd to me, long with a distinct curl at the end like that.

At first when i picked on from one plant i thought it was a deformed one, and then i picked it from a second tree, so i figured maybe its a known type? i dunno, maybe its just a hybrid/cross polinated mess.
The top almost looks Burkina Yellow scotch bonnett ... Either way they both look like Scotch Bonnetts... ;)
Some of my favourites !
You'd better make some pics of the plant: leaves, flowers, etc.
It could be anything. Sometimes peppers produce seedless (or low-seeded) fruits of strange forms. That happens because of bad conditions during flowering.
Jah said:
You'd better make some pics of the plant: leaves, flowers, etc.
It could be anything. Sometimes peppers produce seedless (or low-seeded) fruits of strange forms. That happens because of bad conditions during flowering.

ill do that. :)