pests Help me identify this (bugs!?)

Looks very much like springtails to me! They don't seem to do any damage (yet), and they only live in the soil/on top of it.
Any good ideas on how to kill them?
I kinda wish it was thrips instead - since i had no problem killing them fast and easy. :/
Hawaiianero said:
Diotomaceous Earth. All natural and you even add some trace minerals to boot.
DE really works...? Anything bad comes with it? :p
What brand do you use, if it mathers?
Thanks all!
Bjoern said:
DE really works...? Anything bad comes with it? :P
What brand do you use, if it mathers?
Thanks all!
DE really works on all insects that have an exoskeleton. It does not work on soft-bodied insects like aphids. Brand does not matter, but you MUST get food-grade DE. As noted, it is technically edible. No worries with it, from an edibility perspective. Note it kills all insects with exoskeletons that come into contact with it, including beneficial insects, so don't do something like get ladybugs after spreading DE.
Bjoern said:
DE really works...? Anything bad comes with it? :P
What brand do you use, if it mathers?
Thanks all!
Gotta be food grade. Industrial grade has other chemicals mixed in with it. I have a Farm & Garden store nearby that carries the 50lb. bags and will break it out into 5 lb. bags for $7.50. Works on pretty much any exoskeleton bug and it's really hard to apply too much. I mix it in with my soil amendments dry on one weekend and by the next weekend I can wet it down and start potting up my plants. The only live critters I find after that are earthworms. 

geeme said:
DE really works on all insects that have an exoskeleton. It does not work on soft-bodied insects like aphids. Brand does not matter, but you MUST get food-grade DE. As noted, it is technically edible. No worries with it, from an edibility perspective. Note it kills all insects with exoskeletons that come into contact with it, including beneficial insects, so don't do something like get ladybugs after spreading DE.
Very good point!! I just use it in the soil because although you can stop spider mites and ants with it, you will also kill ladybugs and honeybees if you dust your plants. Also, try not to breathe the dust, kinda irritates the throat and sinuses.
…. and one more point about DE - it only works when it's dry. So yes, it must be re-applied after rain or watering when it gets wet.