Help My Carolina Reaper is showing some weird leaf issues :(,MMP8OKu,jnmP8MI,8Ts874T,Zxr97xj,nRe6MEy,YUlsRsm
Sorry About the weird link but I can't make it into an album. Long story short, about 6 days ago the brown lines started up on the leaves. I re-potted it a few days prior with "Miracle Grow seed starting potting mix". I had it in an enclosed grow light area for weeks, then I re-potted it and have been putting it on a windowsill since it gets way more direct light for about a week now. Could it be fertilizer burn? The mix says "enriched with MG plant food, and "excellent for starting cuttings". I started this in November and it's going to kill me if I can't save it :(
Haven't seen that before either. Have you recently changed either the fertilizer or the feeding schedule by any chance?
Phosphorus deficiency in a certain herb can look like that.. I wouldnt expect it in a chili that is still in it vegetative stage though. How are you watering it? mabye light burn from water sitting on the leaves? Do you have any more pics you can post?
Not an expert but I m gonna offer my opinion. I think the photo is of an older leaf, the new young leaf looks good and green and healthy whuch is more important. Honestly I wouldnt worry bout it.
My thinking is that you consider what changed. You changed to miracle grow seedling starter and you changed the location of the plant.  Seems like it is only one leaf.  I imagine a problem with the soil would be seen on all leaves.  Was that particular leaf in contact with the window's glass by any chance? 

I am in KY and it got really cold about this past Monday.  Probably there too.  If the leaf was in contact with the window, maybe the cold took a bit out of it.
1. "Have you recently changed either the fertilizer or the feeding schedule by any chance?"
Yes, When I re-potted it, I used a potting soil with Miracle grow. 
2. "Was it very hot or humid when you had it enclosed? "
The temp in the enclosure area was in the mid to upper 80's and pretty humid.  When I moved it to the window for a few days the humidity would have dropped significantly, and the temperature to 70ish. 
3. " How are you watering it? Mabey light burn from water sitting on the leaves? "
No water on the leaves during watering.
4.  I imagine a problem with the soil would be seen on all leaves.  Was that particular leaf in contact with the window's glass by any chance? " 
It is on multiple leaves(more pics in a bit). 
5. "I am in KY and it got really cold about this past Monday.  Probably there too.  If the leaf was in contact with the window, maybe the cold took a bit out of it."
I read this and it got me thinking, for the past 3 days it has been unseasonably warm up here(upper 40's to low 50's) and the sun has been shining bright so I was putting it outside to get some better/direct light. I'm thinking the swing in temps may have been too much for this guy in such a small pot. So for now I'll be leaving it on the window sill.
As for the thoughts about it being a Phosphorus deficiency, I'll be adding a bit of bonemeal to the watering for a while.
Thanks everyone for your input and I'll keep you posted. 
I stand by phosphorous due to the ferts and or soil change. I can see same signs at the tip of one of the newer leaves, pic#3 @3:00. The outer edges are starting to curl downwards slightly pic #3 &#4. And all of the newest leaves are exhibiting signs of over fertilization, subtle crinkling could support this.
It becomes difficult sometime to properly diagnose disorders when several things are changed prior to the ailments exhibiting.

B92JOHNSON said:
Here's some more pictures,YW35WnB,WMZm8Pu,TfT7rxV,hFxcbBM,Hn59U41,HYQo5IF,0rTp1MU
Thanks again!
Curious thing I just notices is that from the bottom of the leaves you would never notice an issue. They look perfect, it's only a top surface issue?
I think a non-issue. Its like saying, It cant be frost damage because it is only the top of the plant.
Got home and checked it out... things got worse :( lower leaves fell off.

with flash

next higher leaves 


I flipped it to look at the underside and it "popped" right off :(

So are we still going with the phosphorous deficiency? 
Here's what I would do at this point. Really cant tell whats going on and only guesses thus far. I would top it and remove all foliage.
Kind of start over with out sowing new seed.
And maybe even re pot it while it is recovering.
I am curious, you said a potting soil with miracle grow. does that mean a cheap potting soil and you supplemented it with miracle grow or the potting soil had miracle grow already in it?
I also notice how packed down the top of the soil seems. You dont pat down the soil after transplanting do you? I always allow the initial watering to settle the media back down in the pot
Oh man, I really don't want to "top it".... 
The potting soil I used was a mix that included Miracle Grow....
As for how packed down it was, it is a really fine mixture that I patted down around the base of the stem when I re-potted it to give it some support. I think I'm going to rough up the surface of it to help with drying out the top of the media.
I think Capcom is on the the money. I have SB plant with same thing happening, only thing difference is yours is brownin  in the veins mine is splotches. If you hold the leaf to a light and look at the underside do you notice dots/circles lighter than the rest of the leaf? Im a noob but what i've seen with my plant is that young plants dont need ferts. Over fert or phoshporous is what im thinking.  ??? to any one can to much of a nute cause a phoshporous lockout?
I have used and will be using miracle grow to some extent this year. I have never had an issue such as what is happening with the plant in this thread. Thing to recognize though, is when the plant start shedding its leaves it is going through severe stress.
Maybe one other thing you could try would be, (and it is important that you media drains really well) would be to flush the container and the media and I mean flush it really well. Maybe you can if not remove, at least dilute whatever may be in the media and stressing the plant.
This is out there, but its something.