help needed-insect pepper spray prototype


eXtreme Business
Through a weird twist of events, I happened to come into possession of (aka- bought it with no idea of what to do with it...)some Glycerol Mono Oleate (GMO) based capsaicin concentrate that is 1 million SHU.  I'm thinking it could work as an insecticidal plant spray/pest repellant.  Any other ideas of what to do with this stuff would be appreciated!   
Here's where the expertice of all you fantasitc growers comes into play.  I need some help formulating this stuff and getting the right SHU for a the bug spray solution. 
What I know now is-
Commercially available Hot Pepper Wax Spray is-
180 SHU (yes, that is one hundred and eighty...about the same as a bell pepper [well, maybe not quite...]  :lol:...)  
$17/quart for Ready To Use
What I have to work with is a 1,000,000 SHU GMO/Capsaicin concentrate that can be cut to whatever SHU y'all think would be a good level.  I'm working on mixing it with Ivory dish liquid and water to make a concentrate that is about 125,000 SHU. 
The concentrate can be mixed at about 1 teaspoon per gallon water and that would equal about the same SHU as the commercially available stuff. Or More... per user discretion...
The one other thing the commercial stuff has is a paraffin wax component which works on certain bad bugs, but I'm not going to try and deal with that right now.  Maybe later...
Here's the Questions!
For those that have used the Hot Pepper Wax sprays- were they hot enough, easy to use, got the desired results, cost effective, would something without paraffin wax be of interest...what else can you say about them???
For those that haven't use the commercially available insect pepper sprays...any comments about price points, concentration ratios, ease of use...desired results....
At this point, it's a salvage operation for what I have and finding a use for it.  I'll offer it out for samples at cost after I get the bottles and based on people comments of what they want for SHU's etc.  If it works and people want more, I might consider getting more of the GMO-Capsaicin solution and offer it as a product. 
For now, it's a prototype.
Thanks for your comments and your help~~~
I've never used the pepper spray, but mixing the capsaicin with liquid paraffin makes sense. The waxy, oily coating would adhere to the plant longer under field conditions. The only North American supplier I could find in a cursory search is in Canada, and they have a minimum order of 5 metric tons, but it could be a starting place...
This looks more like what you're looking for...
I've had no experience with commercial hot pepper sprays but I did make my own using orange Habs.
Freakin' hell, it messed me up more than the insects.
'Cause I'm a bloke, well we don't need no wussy face masks ... anyway ... wind change just as I'm spraying and I cop a face & lung full of it.
I drop to the ground quicker than Rodney King with the L.A. cops, I'm wailing and squealing like a stuck pig.
I swear I could hear all the insects laughing at me :(
The only pepper spray I have experience with is the stuff I keep Velcro to my mountain bike for all those arsehole dogs that people don't keep on a leash or fence here in the country roads. I've been attacked a few too many times for my enjoyment. 
Is there a risk for burning plants at a higher shu level? I would think too high and could cause some good personal injury to those applying it but would want it hot enough that it actually kills/deters the insects. I made some for my sprayer last year with a few cayennes crush up with some garlic and put them into a mesh bag and dropped it into my sprayer with a little dawn soap. Worked pretty good. No idea on heat level though. 
from what I've read, the paraffin adds another layer of attack for coating the bugs with wax that suffocates them which is different than reacting to the capsaicinoids in a pepper spray. 
D3~ there does seem to be some risk for burning plants using pepper treatments in the full heat of mid-day.  The hot pepper wax websites talk about delicate high risk plant, those that don't do well with capsaicin sprays like African Violets and others. 
my melons and zucchini  plants burned from the spray I had mixed but others where unaffected. I sprayed late evening. 
and now...after moar JayT-ing....I'm wondering about adding some mineral oil, if it would do the same thing as liquid paraffin wax...
food grade liquid paraffin wax seems to be non-existent outside of alibaba.  Tons of liquid paraffin for lamp oil, but not food grade.
But then... paraffin wax seems to be interchangeable with mineral oil when talking about the anti-mold stuff they put on tomatoes, green peppers and other vegetables....
any comments or insight is appreciated.