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Help needed - next step?

Ok, guys first to say hello from Europe, Serbia. Not many people here are trying to grow this special mexican chilies so I need some advice.

I have these peppers:
1xBonsai Chilpetin
1xNaga Morich
2xThai Hot
2x Chilli Numex Twighlite

Bonsai C. germinated at 20th December, and the rest of them mid January. On the pictures you can see size of the Numex plant. Yesterday I noticed two little floweres emeging.

What should I do? Is it too early for flowers?

I have them under CFL blue light 125W 12-14 hours a day. When should I switch to red CFL? The plants are near window so they do get some mixture of daylight, 1-2 hourse of milde morning sun and CFL. Every advice will be apriciated, and sorry if there are some mistakes in my writing I am not a native speaker...


:welcome: from Ohio! Good looking plants you got there!..Some say to pinch the buds off to allow the plant's energy to go to continued growth, while others may say to leave them alone and let nature take it's course. No help, huh?..Are you going to place them outside for an extended period of time to get sunlight and get them off the CFL's? I'm not an expert by any means, but I'm sure others will chime in...
Hey, thaks for the response, but I still have a dilema :) I plan to keep them mostly on the windows to get some sun, but I will definitly will be in need for some red CFL for flowering because of the apartment orientation...
Living in florida, I do not do much indoor growing (fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be). I have read where people will prevent the plants from budding until they are ~12 inches minimum. However I am of the opinion that if the plant is not ready for buds, it will shed them naturally.

In an indoor grow environment, I could see where having a height guideline would be beneficial though.
I wouldn't worry too much about the flower buds. The earliest buds will probably drop without ever opening if the plant isn't ready to make fruit. Because you are indoors, even if you do get fully open flowers they won't set fruit unless you hand pollinate (or you have a lot of flying bugs in your house :lol: ).

PS Good luck with the Chiltepin, that is one of my favorite varieties. I kept one indoors in a pot for almost 4 years. So tiny, but so hot!