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help! needs advice

hello my fellow chili heads ! i need some serious advice . i just put 2 pictures of a couple of plants that the new growth is twisted,narrow, what could this be ? a nutrient deficiency ? tks for the help, m.g.


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SORRY ABOUT THAT MY FRIEND , still learning my way around the sites , just seen it said talk about anything so i just put it there . just needing some help . isn't that what the clubs about ? helping each other with tips and all . i will put it in the non - extreme . maybe someone will see it and be able to help me out . tks. m.w.
moruga welder said:
SORRY ABOUT THAT MY FRIEND , still learning my way around the sites , just seen it said talk about anything so i just put it there . just needing some help . isn't that what the clubs about ? helping each other with tips and all . i will put it in the non - extreme . maybe someone will see it and be able to help me out . tks. m.w.
yes it is about helping each other. im helping you get all the help you can handle.  im telling where to put your questions so thousands of people will see it. and you will get answers.
i really appreciate your help , first time grower and plants been great for 4 months now leaves are twisted , narrow and look awful ! don't know what to do , what they need , to be exact where to ask  , would you mind telling me the exact forum i would get the most advice from ? i appreciate your help ! i'm still learning my way around the site , i'm pretty busy and don't get on here very much . got lots of business to take care of . thanks again . frank
Please don't discourage from posting in Extreme forums, there are here for a reason, for people to post.

Thanks sicman :)
I had a few plants do the same thing last year. I dint know what  the cause was but it did out grow that phase....