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Help on a Pepper or Two...

Haven’t been around for a while, summer got incredibly busy. First year both growing superhots and starting from seed! I was worried about hardening them off and having survive.

Luckily… these things grew well without me messing or babying them much. Watered maybe every 5 days when we went through the hot spell here in PA. I hit them with a fish emulsion foliar spray every two weeks and that was it.

Now, I was going to try and grow one each variety but made a noob mistake of mislabeling them somewhere from seed to garden!!! I bought a label maker and won’t make the same mistake next year. But next year I think I’m only going to grow the Monster Nagas, Bhut Jolokia Red, and either the Large Red 7 Pod or 7 Pod Congo Gigantic…limited space.

Since I mislabeled some I need help on [font="Calibri""]identifying [/font]a few. I did receive a few packets of mystery seeds so they could be anything.

I think they are:
  1. Datill
  2. Lemon Drop
  3. Fatalii
  4. 7 Pod Brain Yellow
  5. Orange Hab
  6. Chocolate Hab
  7. Red Hab
  8. Carribean Red Hab???
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Naga Morich
  11. ???
  12. 7 Pod Red
I do have some Bhut Jolokia Red, they are still on the plant and one is just now beginning to ripen (it is orange). I hope I’m able to get a few of those not sure how long they will ripen until here in Central PA.

Thanks for the help!


Sorry for the blurry photo, my iPhone all of the sudden won’t focus.

Yeah I thought 8 was the Caribbean, thanks The Biz.

=MadMonkey= Holy peppers on your plant I wish mine was like that! I might have to move somewhere warmer than PA! I thought 11 could be a naga morich but they are smaller and more triangular than 10. Maybe 10 isn't a NM? I started all around the same time and they all went into the garden same day. #10 was the first to have peppers and ripen.

Going to try a batch of Alabama Jack's Puree using the Nagas, Caribbeans and a couple of 7 Pods. I have 500g.

it's not my plant .. I wish!
I saw it and noticed a resemblance to your number 11 mystery pod so I posted it so you could see the resemblance
#10 looks like a ghost pepper to me.

10 = bhut jolokia
11 = naga morich