Help Pepper People Please!!!

So a little info first.
I'm in Central Florida. About 3 to 4 miles to the beach as the crow flies. Lots of sun and usually lots of rain. It hasn't rained in about 5 days. I asked my fiancee to water my pepper plants, but not too much because too much will hurt them. I keep them under the overhang of the roof so they are shaded most of the day and receive a little rain but are shielded from the brunt of it. I asked her to water them around 330 pm not realizing that is when they are about to get direct sun.
A few days ago my plants looked like this 
Big one

Little one

 Now they look like this
Big one There is a little deterioration on the right most large leaf if you can see it. Looks a little sunburnt.

Little one

Usually they stand at full  mast during the day and wilt a little at night. Now they are just wilting. It has been really hot here lately like 96 to 98 degrees with almost full humidity.
I stuck my finger in the soil and it is moist. 
The leaves are curling in and up a little bit.
So.....I'm thinking and hoping they just got too much water.
Let them take a break in the shade for a day or two... let them recovery from the extreme heat/humidity.
If the containers are moist, but not soaked, you're fine.  If the containers are soaked and there is standing water in the bottom, you probably want to transplant your plants to another container, a bit drier.
Just my thoughts.
We are seeing 105-110 here and my plants look worse then that everyday
They pop back every night when it cools down to the high 80's
I have mine exposed to the first 5 hrs of sun and the rest of the day they are totally shaded
I dont think you have anything wrong based on the pics and info as long as your buckets are draining well.
You feeding them anything?
Temps that high will make them droop some.  Fortunately it has been humid or they would be drooping even worse.  If it is windy you could try blocking the wind.
A few things you need to do.

1. Your small plants need to stay in the shade. All they will need is daylight. They are simply too small for ANY direct sunlight that was in the 95degree. Even mature plants will suffer and die.

2. Water your plants in the morning at the soil if you live in hot areas and make sure your soil is consistantly moist.

3. Mist your weak plants immediately after you moved it to a cooler shaded areas.

best of luck.
+1 on what All others said plus it appears that you don't have drain holes in your buckets. I would highly recommend that you break out ye ole drill and put 6-8 holes around 1" from the base of your containers to help with drainage and keeping mold...etc at bay.
Your pepper buddies will pull through fine. :dance:
(currently 90 plus with humidity around 60-80% in Ohio right now)
@tnks no not feeding anything right now. I have been literally broke. Like 89 cents in the checking acct broke. My girl just went back to work ( she works for school board so no job in summer) so I will when I get some loot. Prob Monday.

@ ohioheat yeah I have drain holes in the bottom of the bucket. About 1" triangles and a layer of rock.

I think that's good?
Thanks everybody.