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HELP Peppers under attack?!?!?!?!

These white bumps gotta be the eggs of something I don't want? :mouthonfire:

you growing indoors or outdoors?
they do look like aphids. if they don't fly around when your hand comes close or when you shake the plant they aren't aphids
yeah like three or four drops of dawn dish soap in a spray bottle with tepid water.
let it sit on plant for a few mintues then spray off with water.
I must have nuclear resistant aphids because I have tried all the soap/neem oil tricks and they still come back with a vengance. For an indoor solution what method actually works to wipe out aphids for good? Next to going over every leaf and smushing any visible aphids.
I had problems with aphids last winter. I used a combo of Safer Soap and Neem Oil. I also had a 1-gallon pump up sprayer do got lots of pressure. I sprayed the tops and bottoms of all the leaves of every plant, every day to two for a week or so, anytime I saw a single aphid. The problem was gone within a week.

It seems if only one or two bugs are left, a couple of days later there are 100 or more of them.

They are hard to get rid of and are incredible prolific. So if you miss one, you'll have a full on infestation in no time.

Wingless adult female aphids can produce 50 to 100 offspring. A newly born aphid becomes a reproducing adult within about a week and then can produce up to 5 offspring per day for up to 30 days! The French naturalist Reaumur during the late eighteenth century calculated that if all the descendants of a single aphid survived during the summer and were arranged into a French military formation, four abreast, their line would extend for 27,950 miles, which exceeds the circumference of the earth at the equator!

Wingless adult female aphids can produce 50 to 100 offspring. A newly born aphid becomes a reproducing adult within about a week and then can produce up to 5 offspring per day for up to 30 days! The French naturalist Reaumur during the late eighteenth century calculated that if all the descendants of a single aphid survived during the summer and were arranged into a French military formation, four abreast, their line would extend for 27,950 miles, which exceeds the circumference of the earth at the equator!

Holy toledo batman that is some very interesting useless info!

Death to aphids! :flamethrower:
The only thing that works for me when I have massive outbreaks is buying ladybugs, but one year I needed 10000 of them to get the job done:(
TRy some of that yellow sticky tape you can buy or make yourself. Make sure you check under every leaf and clean anything off that could be clogging the stomata.