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HELP ! plant broken by fallen chair !

guys plese help !

i discovered one of my jalapenos knocked down and broken by a sun chair a minute ago and i am in shock, is there ANYTHING i can do to save the branches at all ?

what's left of the plant will stay inside the pot and i hope itll re-sprout !



sorry 'bout your plant...you can try and root the broken limbs...someone will tell you how I am sure...I don't have experience with rooting..
Ouch, that hurts...

Are there two plants in there?

It looks pretty ok actually, they are hardly 'lil beasties.

I've had a plant come back from just being a stem with about 5 leaves on it before.

I think as long as the roots aren't damaged and there are some leaves left, it should be fine. Just watch it and see if it changes a lot like dropping leaves or severe wilting. Don't over water it...more chiles are killed with kindnes ya know. ;)

Just an accidental pruning....who knows, I'd bet it grows back even bushier. :)
I had two large branches from a Red Savina that I had to remove from the main plant. I put them into 20 ounce cups half filled with water that I changed every other day. Once a week or so when I did a change of water I would add a bit of Miracle grow mixed at half the normal rate. I would also give the water a shot of a worm castings/Epsom salt tea every week or so. I misted both sides of the leaves with water every day and kept them in an east facing window to get a few hours of the morning sun. It took over a month but roots finally developed and I'm happy to say both are in dirt and seem to be doing well.

Here's a link to the thread that followed the growth of the roots. http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=12839

Good luck to you and your plant.
ohmatic said:
Lophophora Williamsii

Those are gorgeous! Well done! Did you start from seed? If so how old are those guys?

I let some jackass take my seeds to germinate them, because he had some Metal Halide lights setup. He says they got stolen. I say he just lost the damn things...
Sorry about the plant. Hope it recovers. BTW, I know how the plant felt falling off the chair. I did that too and I also broke, although not in that many pieces.
Yes but the consumption is not!

Edit: Shite i thought you wrote Australia, this IGGY avator is doing strange things to my head!