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Help please! - new here - first growing attempt

I have germinated Jalapeno and some other peeper and my plants have problems(see picture).
I am using 18W neon light 20 hour/day,room temperature is about 15-25 centigrade (59-77 fahrenheit) and soil is little moist or dry.
I think problem is because of light,water or temperature.
Please help,my plants are dying.




Welcome. Looks possibly like clumpy wet soil and I'm not too sure about your neon light, or is it a flourescent?
Welcome to THP, you have come to the right place.

The seedling in the picture looks like it has sprouted well and then dampened off. In your situation, I think it is caused by too much water/moisture.

I would cut back on the water some, add a fan to circulate the air in your grow area and maybe increase the temp to around 80F.
Here is a good definition:
Symptoms of Damping-off:
Seeds may be infected as soon as moisture penetrates the seed coat or a bit later as the radicle begins to extend, all of which rot immediately under the soil surface (pre-emergence damping-off). This condition results in a poor, uneven stand of seedlings, often confused with low seed viability. Cotyledons may break the soil surface only to whither and die or healthy looking seedlings may suddenly fall over (post-emergence damping-off). Infection results in lesions at or below the soil line. The seedling will discolor or wilt suddenly, or simply collapse and die. Weak seedlings are especially susceptible to attack by one or more fungi when growing conditions are only slightly unfavorable. Damping-off is easily confused with plant injury caused by insect feeding, excessive fertilization, high levels of soluble salts, excessive heat or cold, excessive or insufficient soil moisture, or chemical toxicity in air or soil.

Above ground symptoms of root rot include stunting, low vigor, or wilting on a warm day. Foliage of such plants may yellow and fall prematurely starting with the oldest leaves. The roots of a diseased plant will have some shade of brown or black and evidence of water-soaking. Healthy roots are fibrous appearing and are usually white or tan in color. These symptoms are easily confused with severe mite, aphid, scale infestations, or root-feeding by nematodes or insect larvae. Environmental factors such as accumulated salts in the soil, insufficient light or nitrogen, potbound roots, cold drafts, etc. can be eliminated only by examination of the roots.
Welcome. Looks possibly like clumpy wet soil and I'm not too sure about your neon light, or is it a flourescent?

It is so wet because i have add some water seconds before taking picture,soil is drying very fast because of heat.
Yes,light is fluorescent(Sylvania daylight) and is positioned 50cm (20 inch) above plants.
Welcome aboard,about seedling is fine to me only soil is to wet if light to close to the seedling & soil dry out fast bring the ligtht up little that will solve the problem.
You shouldn't water the plant's leaves, just the soil and as Pepperfreak said make sure your floro light is very close to the tops of the plants. Your temeratures should be fine.
What type of "soil" are you using?
Pepperfreak said:
Welcome to THP, you have come to the right place.

Thank you!

Pepperfreak said:
The seedling in the picture looks like it has sprouted well and then dampened off. In your situation, I think it is caused by too much water/moisture.

I would cut back on the water some, add a fan to circulate the air in your grow area and maybe increase the temp to around 80F.

Soil is almost dry pretty much of the time because of heating.
How much time can seedling be without water?Is it better for soil to be little more dry or little more moist (not wet).
I will try to increase temp and install some fan.
I have to agree with Pepperfreak that your soil looks very WET . It looks like just chewed chewing tobacco. When I sprout seeds I use a high temp in a dome. But once they break the surface I take them out of the dome .... Then I put them closer to the compact fluorescent set up I have.

Good luck & Peace ,
P. Dreadie
Thanks for quick reply.

I am using Klasmann TS 3 soil and it is pretty much dry all the time:


On that picture(previous post) soil is so wet because i used 60W reflector lamp that dried soil in couple of minutes and picture was taken after adding water.
Now i am using 18W fluorescent lamp and mist little with watter 2x a day but seedlings are still dieing.

I will try yours advices and will post results here.
GreenAnt said:
To much or to little?First i guess.

Your heat is good, somewhere between 75 - 80 degrees F is perfect. I usually keep my grow room temps around 80 degrees F and have no problems.

Something to remember about soil, sorry that I'm not familiar with the soil your using, just because the top dries out doesn't necessarily mean that it is dry where it counts, at the roots. I still think that you may be over-watering. Next time you see that the soil is dry and you want to water, stick your finger in and see if it is dry underneath, you might be surprised.
You might want to consider using plastic cells or small pots in a tray and bottom water instead of misting. Also avoid the hot reflector lights, they're only really good for heat
It also appears that your soil has a lot of nutrients in it which isn't needed or desired for early growth, and it appears to be almost straight peat which has a tendency on its own to be either too wet or dry and crusty:(
*Sorry I now see that it contains a wetting agent:)
Pepperfreak said:
Something to remember about soil, sorry that I'm not familiar with the soil your using, just because the top dries out doesn't necessarily mean that it is dry where it counts, at the roots. I still think that you may be over-watering. Next time you see that the soil is dry and you want to water, stick your finger in and see if it is dry underneath, you might be surprised.

I tried,soil is completely dry!
Maybe i am using to little soil because it is only 1 inch deep!

and it appears to be almost straight peat which has a tendency on its own to be either too wet or dry and crusty:(
*Sorry I now see that it contains a wetting agent:)

Yes,soil appears to be dry and crusty!
I will try to put seedlings in another soil(black natural),deeper pot,closer to lamp...

Thanks again.
1 inch deep is not enough in my opinion a minimum of 2 inches should be used for seedlings, 3 is even better.
Seedling are dying because of low temp!
I have accidentally left window open through the night and many of them have died.
Outside temp is very low here.It's snowing.