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So Im starting my garden in the ground for the first time right now and heard that coffee grounds are good to put in but Im turning the (unturned)earth and mixing in some garden soil and was wondering if (fresh) coffee grounds is ok to just mix in with the soil/earth or if its best to add as a top layer?

Please help and Thank you.SMITTY......
used grounds. go ahead and compost the used filter in with them. Time to start building your compost for next year. I need to do the same. you'll be able to tell if you did it right by digging up some soil beneath/around the pile... if it's full of worms, you have great dirt!
Scovi.... is that what you use? a little extra protein.. not to yummy though..

As far as the coffee grounds and filters, Smitty.. yes i compost them all the time.. not directly on my plants but give them some time.. it works well

Just my 3 cents..
I felt so bad last year digging into my compost bin, it was 80% worms and 0% recognizable coffee grounds. This year I have close to 100 gallons, hope to have a lush green fruitful year!
I remember one year when I was a kid, my mom was showing me how hot it gets inside of a compost bin.... she wrapped a potato in foil and buried it in the middle of the pile... a couple, 2, 3, hours later, she dug it up and the potato was fully cooked... wild!