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Help....something isn't right!!!!!!....HELP

Just put alot of these babies under HPS lighting, was wondering if its from the light being too bright or hot?? Os something else?


I had some strange color changes when i put my plants under my light i am running a metal haloide. they where a bright green and then turned a darker green color. the distance from my light seemed to be a big problem 3 1/2 feet seemed to be a good distance for me. the only other problem for me was the light puts out a bit of heat and it was eazy to dry out my smaller plants.
Were the leaves always curled? I might say calcium deficiency, as I have seen similar leaf formation in calcium deficient plants. I don't think the lights would cause that. In terms of the brown spots on the cotelydon, could very well be sun/light damage, especially if they have never been under HPS before. They should be fine, as they will produce new leaves better adjusted to the light strength. If you are worried you could raise the light a little.