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HELP! Stunting growth in Japan

I'm living in japan and don't have much room. Is there any way I can get my plants to stay smaller and still give me a decent amount of fruit? I currently have my plants in a window but am worried that I may have to make my room into a grow room...
Currently have 6 plants all @7.5cm
2 Butch-T
1 Red Savina
1 unknown
2 jalapeño
The room I'm in is about 10ftx12ft
The jalapenos won't get very big, so I'd recommend taking them out of the equation. The others you can consider pruning. If you prune, do so just above the joints of the branches. The plants will then start putting out more growth from those joints so it will develop more growth nodes. Pods are only produced at the growth nodes, so pruning should increase production, assuming the rest of the grow conditions are good.

…. and  :welcome:
geeme said:
The jalapenos won't get very big, so I'd recommend taking them out of the equation. The others you can consider pruning. If you prune, do so just above the joints of the branches. The plants will then start putting out more growth from those joints so it will develop more growth nodes. Pods are only produced at the growth nodes, so pruning should increase production, assuming the rest of the grow conditions are good.

. and  :welcome:
Thank you for your advice! For the most part I'm not the guy looking for max pods at the moment, I will be having these plants and moving them quite a bit, it's mostly for personal usage. Would you suggest anything else? How often should I prune? Do I risk killing the plant at all by pruning much? I apologize for all for all the questions, these will be my first fruiting plants. I will be moving into a larger place in around a year and will be looking to do something a lot larger scale, for now I really just want my babies to survive.

once again thank you!
rghm1u20 said:
Japan.... You are from Japan.... Does the word "bonsai" means something to you? ;)
Lmao I'm from Seattle, i would be very interested in doing that to my Red Savina but I am apparently the only person who wants to take on this hobby. Thanks for the reply!
RAINCITY2060 said:
Lmao I'm from Seattle, i would be very interested in doing that to my Red Savina but I am apparently the only person who wants to take on this hobby. Thanks for the reply!
Well, I see you location is Japan, supposed you are from Japan.
Not sure about Red Savina, but you can find here some people havng bonsai (I just read a glog recently where a guy put a picture with a lot of plants destinated to be made as bonsai).
Do you use natural light, or artificial light? Probably will be a bit more expensive, but you could set your plants one over another, to save space, if you can set the proper light to each of them.
just keep them in small containers and they will stay small. The plants i left in solo cups (16oz) got about 1.5 ft high then stopped growing and started producing pods.
rghm1u20 said:
Well, I see you location is Japan, supposed you are from Japan.
Not sure about Red Savina, but you can find here some people havng bonsai (I just read a glog recently where a guy put a picture with a lot of plants destinated to be made as bonsai).
Do you use natural light, or artificial light? Probably will be a bit more expensive, but you could set your plants one over another, to save space, if you can set the proper light to each of them.
Thanks! I'll have to take a look around more and see if I can find anything. I am currently using natural lighting as the room I'm using isn't that large and has access to the sun around 6-10 hours over the hottest part of the day, it seems so far that my plants haven't weened off of the greenhouse yet but they seem to be doing well on about 2hr so far. I can tell you anything on the plants as to the fertilizer I am using and the ph and consistency of the soil. Was a little worried with the severity of the wilting I saw today(I attribute that to the room) but they were rock hard bigger than I left them after transplant yesterday! I check on them two to three times over the course of the day.
OKGrowin said:
just keep them in small containers and they will stay small. The plants i left in solo cups (16oz) got about 1.5 ft high then stopped growing and started producing pods.
Thank you for your response I will try this with one of my plants!
Jeff H said:
Head over to fatalii.net and droll over his bonsais.
i agree the bonchi are awesome, i am currently trying to do it with a caribbean red habanero. so far so good. but its a seedling not a year old like what they do.  