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Help w placement outdoors

Hello all!

I have been lurking around here for months now, and i guess its about time i started posting! I Was hoping to get some input on placement of my plants outside. I live in central north Texas, so of course during summer temps stay 90-100. Should I put them where they are in full sun all day, or sun for part of the day then shade half the day? My back yard is on the south side, so with a little planning i can put them half and half. I must apologize if this has been discussed more than once on here, i tried using the search feature up top, but i didnt have much luck.

Thanks a bunch for any and all input everyone!
Yeah the search feature does not work that well.

All day in that heat will probably be a little much on your peppers. If at all possible I would do morning day sun since later in the day is normally hotter. Some people on here also buy shade screens and with that you would be able to plant in full sun.

I don't have to deal with days like that around here so that is guessing from other peoples experiences from the forum. There are a bunch of members who are from TX that may be able to give you a more experienced answer. There may be a way to introduce them to a full days sun slowly, if you are planning on starting in a container of some sort.
Welcome to the forum! I think you should be in full sun. I think south is good morning and mid day sun. In August the high heat of the mid afternoon day after day just shuts down production and does not commence again until late September. I see heaviest production in October and November. There might be reason to try and shade the plants with screens during August to not lose so much production which leaves you with pods not ripe going into early winter.

There is lots of info here. Hopefully somebody can find you a link on this topic that is Texas specific.

Good luck with your season, let us know what your growing and show us pictures.

Cheers Mike
I got no production from any of my chinense until september last year. I'm thinking about trying to do some kind of partial shade for the late afternoon sun this year to see if it helps. The heat sucks balls!!!! period

Awesome, thanks yall for the help so far. I may look into getting some sort of shade cloth when the time comes. Ill also look into getting a camera so i can get some pics for everyone. Thanks a bunch so far everyone!
I have to deal with the same problem her in FL. I plant on the east side of my house for this reason. I also grow tomatoes, which need morning sun to burn off the morning dew, and the sun rises in the east. My raised beds are about 10-15ft from the house, so around 1-2pm the house starts to shade the plants now, and in the summer time it starts to shade them around 4-5pm. I also grow in containers on my deck, and those are easy to adjust.
I have to deal with the same problem her in FL. I plant on the east side of my house for this reason. I also grow tomatoes, which need morning sun to burn off the morning dew, and the sun rises in the east. My raised beds are about 10-15ft from the house, so around 1-2pm the house starts to shade the plants now, and in the summer time it starts to shade them around 4-5pm. I also grow in containers on my deck, and those are easy to adjust.

I have a spot im thinking about planting right on the north east side where my fence wraps around, right now around 1-2 it gets shaded from the house also. I may go with that plan if the times will shift like they do for you twards summer time. Im thinking about planting if 5 gal buckets maybe too, i got a bunch already so maybe go both routes. Thanks Florida country boy.