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disease Help With Disease ID and Possible Next Steps?

I was hoping to try to extend my in-ground garden season by covering with a row cover this year, but alas, the Universe had other plans.

Last week we had a long (1 week) stretch of cloudy, cool and drizzly weather, and after it was over, I noticed that my Antillais Caribbean fruit was cracking (vertical cracks along where the ripening began) and the leaves of almost all of my plants were developing strange looking spots. It is progressing, and I'm planning on pulling the plants and cleaning the leaves/debris from the beds and treating the area with a lot of compost pronto, however I'd like to get an idea of what this might be, as well as suggestions as to what the proper steps are that should be taken for the future. Thanks for any help you can offer! Also let me know if it would be helpful to have pictures of the affected fruit from the Antillais Caribbean.
