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Help with Habanero

I planted this in the ground and it hasn't looked right since. It has been pale for weeks and the leaves have twisted. Now I see these black spots on the leaves. Are these symptoms related or do I have multiple issues? For comparison, I have another plant in a Smart Pot that seems to be doing quite well (except where I pinched a couple of leaves).

I'm guessing two possibilities.
- Possibly too much water, or inconsistent watering, causes chlorosis and nutrient lockout.
- Low nitrogen, which all of that white sapwood is soaking up. Try to avoid using so much of it in the future.
Could be both issues combined, and or something else altogether. The black spots look like dirt to me, but i could also be a type of fungus that pops up after lots of rain.
It rained for about 4 days over the weekend so that might be a factor, but the other plants in the same area look ok. I don't think the mulch is decomposing fast enough to deplete the nitrogen - I added fertilizer to the soil before planting. There is a bit of dirt on the leaves, but there are also black spots which I assume are some kind of fungus or bacterial disease.