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Help with my Habaneros

I bought a jalapeno and habanero plant at a local garden store a few months ago, and they are starting to produce. I am confused about my habanero plant and was hoping someone could help me out. If I let the peppers stay on the plant until they turn orange, they are going bad (getting mushy and the insides are all black). Therefore I've been having to pick them when they are green so that they don't go bad. I'm wondering if perhaps I have a different type of habaneros than the ones I'm used to that turn orange when they are ripe. I've attached a picture below. Any ideas?

That is not right....they will turn a color when ripe....something may be eating away from under the leaves ....bug or disease
is my guess......I have mealy bugs and they do the same thing....pod gets mushy.....and drop also.....
They look like a Scotch Bonnet...possibly crossed with a Caribbean variety (because of the fat, nub tail)

They are most likely turning black inside because of overwatering or widely irregular watering. What are your outside temps and watering schedule?
Thanks for the replies. After doing more research I agree they look like scotch bonnets. I'm in southern California so our temps are usually in the 70s. The watering has been pretty irregular so I suppose that could have something to do with it. When I first got the plant it was watered about every other day. For the past month or so it's been when I think about it :rolleyes: so more like every few days or what not.