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Help with my Hot Cherry Peppers...


I have a Hot Cherry Pepper plant growing in a pot on my deck. It looks pretty healthy. I have lots of flowers and peppers. My peppers range from the size of nickle to about twice that size. They are green and look good. But I find every day now I'll find one of the peppers have fallen off and are at the bottom of the plant with a big hole in them, like a but or something attacked it.
Any suggestions on how to prevent this?
Have you opened one up to see what's causing the hole? You may have pepper maggots. Do some slicing and dicing and see what you can see.
Could be pepper maggots or maybe slugs.

If you don't see the critter during the day, break out the flashlight for some night hunting.
Yep, these guys have got your answer. I've got some problems with these bugs myself, but I figure there's not much I can do about it except cuss them! :lol: I even found two full sized pods today, one with a entrance hole on one side, and an exit on the other. Then check the pod next to it that was touching, and there was entrance but no exit. Cut that one open, and found the culprit resting quietly in a cocoon just kinda wiggling. Squished his ass and smeared the guts on the stem of the plant. Maybe the bastards will think twice about landing in the pepper patch now.