Help with Plant Problem

My Bell Pepper leaves (some) have a splotchy look to them. I'm not sure what it is. I'm thinking it's a nut deficiency I recently fert with some tomatotone and kelp and I was thinking maybe fertilizer burn but now I'm not so sure. They're not yellow, that's the sun lighting up the back of the leaf. lol 



you check the FAQ, did anything look similar in the articles?
THE FAQ said:
it looks like the veins are more yellow, but you say that's just the leaf backlighting. They do look very floppy from the pictures. Nute burn usually starts around the edges i think.

Anyway they don't really look that bad...
It looks white to my eye that's why I put my hand behind the leaf. It may be a  bit yellow (my eyes have issues at the moment). The more I look around the more I think it might be a mag deficiency but that should clear up with the fertilizer that I laid recently.  It could be from over watering (me and the Korean mother lady had a talk) but I wanted to get some opinions on here. 
you say the spots are white not yellow so i think the circled area shows best representation

far from an expert but i keep leaning towards early onset of powdery mildew?? Any other problems in the garden?
I'm positive it's not mildew. It doesn't come off if I touch it. They're not yellow they seem to be thin. The yellow is the sun/light bleeding through the leaf. 
Check the bottom of the leaf, if there is a fruiting body that corresponds to the upper discolouration, well, have fun with that  :rofl:
I'm not sure the whole "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger" cliche works with PM :P
lol Nothing under the leaf and no pests and it's not PM. I've had a lot of experience with that in the past living in humid Central Florida. lol 
That is 100% either fungal or bacterial infection, both can be prevented with good air penetration and not over watering. I would pull off the worst leaves as they are now breading grounds for what ever that is. I would recommend a copper based, not chemical anti fungal and good airflow and sunlight.
An other route would be AACT as it will inoculate beneficial fungi and bacteria on to the plant that will kill/take over the bad stuff.
So the AACT would help knock the problem out? They have good light and airflow (outside). They're in a very large container with other bell pepper plants. I'm a bit worried about over fertilizing them at this point. 
Koreansoul said:
My Bell Pepper leaves (some) have a splotchy look to them. I'm not sure what it is. I'm thinking it's a nut deficiency I recently fert with some tomatotone and kelp and I was thinking maybe fertilizer burn but now I'm not so sure. They're not yellow, that's the sun lighting up the back of the leaf. lol 



How much sun is this plant getting? Give it some time. If you don't see pests or deformed spots on bottom of leaf....I say don't worry. Maybe give the guy a lil more sun?
It's def not nut burn, and I'd also say no virus or bacteria. Looks like an over-watered, under-sunned leaf to me. 
Thanks I think it's a nutritional deficiency as well. There has been a bit of rain lately and then some over watering. I'll put down more fertilizer this week. 
The plant is outside but we put up a shade for the afternoon sun. If we don't the sun will kill the plants. Ah, love Florida. 