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Help with pruning

This is my third year with ghosts. The first year i bought plants and never pruned because I didn't know.

Then I over wintered them and the next year they didn't take off, even after pruning.

This year my wife bought two plants and they look like this. Lots of blossoms on top, and I nipped most of them off.
I also nipped leaves/branches that were growing in. The one still has a branch coming out from the bottom.
They are both forked at the top. I am wondering if I should top them to make them bush. Is this the right thing to do? Cut below the Y?

The plants are about 8" tall.


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They look great.  I'd simply let them grow.  They will get both taller and bushier.
IMO leaving the plant to grow as it naturally does is the starting point.  I do prune some plants sometimes, but it's by far the exception not the rule and I do it only in special circumstances with a specific reason in mind.  And it's quite rare that I'd prune a plant once it's growing outside.