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Help with puting on pictures using my cell phone please

I been messing with this since yesterday just trying to get the hang of things.
I downloaded imgur Android and download flicker .
I have copied the url and pasted it to no avial .
I know there is something I am doing wrong and probably obvious
use the code for forums online

For flickr use the BBcode like
Hot Pepper Jelly Winter 2014 by plantguy76, on Flickr
:)For some reason I can't fine the code on my phone on my laptop now and see them  thanks for the info D3monic :)
I will just post here till I figure out my cell
Flickr is a bit goofy, but here's how I do it. First, make sure the picture is uploaded to your Flickr account. Next, click on the picture and the share button. You should see some code options (embed, html). Pick the html option and cut/copy the code. Click the "image" icon on The Hot Pepper (almost in center) and paste the code. Lastly you have to trim the code down to just the "https:// ....jpg" (Flickr gives you the whole html code, which won't work here). The jpg section in the middle of the Flickr html code.
Hope that makes since. It's a lot easier to do from a desktop.
On photobucket use the
Plantguy, can I use this thread to practice too??? I'm having a heck of a time also posting from my phone. It says photo too big. I can't make them smaller.Thanks
Go right ahead I hope it helps you out D3monic and the others who posted here helped with thread .
I had to practice for awhile but by using there info it helped loads.
I use photobucket on the phone and flicker on the laptop.
I hope this thread helps you as it has me ;) 
And :welcome: to THP lots of good people here with loads of advice & help :P
Thank you so much! Just figured out how to add my avatar...it's a start
I dont see a button to add attachments or upload...missing something??
just a test
should be my cat

yikes.....giant cat lol  well figured out that I have to just borrow daughters computer. I don`t know how to copy and paste on my phone... guess I have  to learn that because it goes to my clipboard but I have no clue where that's at :) Thank you