Help with worm ID

It doesn't match any of the pictures I can find but the closest thing is striped armyworm. It's about 7 mm in length. I spayed my patch with spinosad yesterday so hopefully they'll be gone in another day or two. I'll get BT for backup.


I think you're on the right path, but those black spots are throwing me off.  Whatever it is, it DOES appear to be some sort of armyworm.
Take care of them quickly.  I suspect they could do a ton of damage.
When I think I regret moving to a smaller scale garden, I remind myself insect problems are proportional to the number of plants you have.  
We get a version of those up here in Frostbite Falls, a few different kinds, but they're all cutworms once you get down to it. The "army" worms defoliate the Lindenwood (basswood) trees almost every year to one extent or another, the "tent"worms try to take out cherry (both wild and otherwise) and other fruit trees, and your several varieties of tomato cutworm & hornworms like to do in the 'maters and peppers. The cutworms hide underground and effed with a couple of my Rocotos last year.
Just kill 'em. That's what I did. Damn few of the moths they turn into are any good looking or useful beyond planting more eggs....
It ain't never simple, but you know that John Rambo'd be out there in those bushes, with a machete, hacking those worms down obsessively, until they finally overpowered him thru sheer force of numbers

Posting on a forum like this never killed no caddypillers.

Put up some kill shots of severed worms. Then we're talkin bout some good discussion.

(Of course, I'm basically kidding. I mean, I really would be out there hunting them obsessively, but your approach is probably more sensible)
It's kinda hard to hack up worms that are only a few millimeters long.
The good news is I only found two of the little bastards this morning and they were barely alive. It appears the spinosad treatment is working and the worms are able to get a good dose as they eat their way through the leaf. Good thing cuz it's damn hard to spray all the undersides when you're working with jungle. I gave everything a good dusting with DE yesterday. Not sure if that will ever do any good but it can't hurt. I'll spray with BT this weekend.