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It's been almost a week and none of my seeds have been germinating, I'm also starting to notice a few strands of fungus mycelium spreading over the soil surface and it's got me worried the germination box I have them in is too humid, what can I do to keep it from spreading/getting worse? I feel like if I don't have the top on the box my super hot seeds won't be warm enough to germinate. Help!
Vent the box. They will germinate. Also, just keep them damp not drenched. What soil are you starting them in? You can usually expect anywhere from 7 days to 14 for germination. You aren't in the "Freak out" stage yet. As far as the fungus, I defer to better minds. I would say try and remove it from the top of the soil if possible.

Also, a picture would be helpful.
So I did a little digging... I think the soil might be too damp and it's just not hot enough... The super hots are the only ones directly over the heat pad and I found a naga morich poking out a little leg... Is something wrong if the nagas are germinating after 5 days and the others aren't even cracking the seed? I gave them all a hydrogen peroxide rinse and soaked for an hour or so in distilled water
haha, yeah that's probably my biggest problem. The soil is garden dirt my dad and I have been working for 20+ years putting all kinds of compost into. I made sure to sterilize it before-hand by baking it in the oven. Fungus freaks me out... I lost an entire season of seedlings to it once. 200 plants gone. I used those damn peat pellets for the first time and it just happened overnight. How do i post an image on here?

since venting the box and putting a halogen lamp above the dirt to help dry it, the fungus has disappeared
i use a tea brew to get rid of my fungus using chamomile tea. work prety darn good Make a cup of tea. Let it steep for 5 min, then pour it out or drink it
Make a second cup with the same bag. Let this steep for 5 min.
Add this to water to make 1 qt.
You can mix a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide with a quart of water and spray the tops of the peat pellets to get rid of the mold.
H2o2 is pretty versatile with plants! I'd feel safer using that than tea, I worry about what the caffiene and other things would do.